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first!!!! yes
Hell yeah, been waiting for something like this
Never clicked faster
Spent the past week failing to make this happen efter getting a ~10:30 without really trying. Gotta get used to hera I guess
Cranking enemy speed to max to cut down on spawn time? Well, the prospect does scare the shit out of me, but I guess it's worth a try once I re-familiarize myself with the controls.
I made the mistake of having tight deadline on for my best run. It was 10:30ish with near perfect boon and hammer luck (Eris with cluster rockets, epic Zeus on attack out the gate, splash dash and sea storm before the Furies fight, a good Artemis special pretty early, and a ton of lightning and crit boons by the end)
Just a note: Don’t don’t don’t base your times/luck/play off of the world record times! Those runners have played literally thousands of hours and possibly 10s of thousands of runs to get that luck. You can absolutely get a sub 10 minute time with much less luck and time than those people have put in, and don’t feel discouraged if you can’t match their level of execution. Good luck!
Nice guide
strangely the aspects that click the best for me with speedruns are zag bow and rama bow (although they're pretty hammer dependent)
edit: lol why was chat being so obnoxious about side hustle
Appreciate the run and commentary. Amazing luck right before that Elysium boss fight xD
how do you meg witches ?
I am aiming for a sub 8 run and a few days ago I had a god run until styx… I entered styx at 6 mins but got a 3 sac resulting in 8:23 which is 3 second behind my PB.
I thought I was having De'javu but then I remembered catching this on Stream 😅.
Great Content as always! Keep it up.
comment for the algo
Been trying some stupid challenge to have a sub 10 using achilles and crystal beams… Not even sure if it’s possible at this point… Even managed to have clarity (and maybe even mirage not sure anymore) in Tartarus and still couldn’t pull it of 😂
Nice run as always Dan. My best time is 8.54 with demeter and merciful end
I've been meaning to ask:would it be possible for you to do an overexplain 50 heat run or would that be too tough to answer questions and play at the same time.
What makes Poseidon's dash so good? I see you take it a lot and I can see why the damage and AOE are nice, but I would think it pushing enemies away is negative synergy for most weapons and isn't really worth it. I get why you would take it on this run (ranged weapon) but I'm just curious what is so valuable about it.
Because of my Muscle memory of powershot with the bow, I always struggle with the Flurry shot hammer.
this video had perfect timing, i’m trying to get sub 10 with all weapons. currently have it with shield, sword, and gun
as anyone can give me the best build and aspect for the stygian sword? It's the one weapon i can't get a run under 15.
So far I've managed a best time of 10:05.25. So close yet so far
What Aspects have the least and most variance based on Room RNG? Not fastest and slowest, but which is the most consistent and which is the most all over the place for times?