In this blind PC gameplay let’s play walkthrough of Hades 2 (Early Access), Melinoë’s journeys to defeat Chronos.
► Hades II Playlist: | If you enjoyed the video, consider leaving a like and/or comment as support!
00:00 The Run
01:18:21 The Crossroads
Weapon: Sister Blades
1 Fear
Hi, I’m Welonz! I love games with great stories, and on this channel, I primarily play titles with engaging and immersive narrative-driven experiences: anything from medieval fantasy to futuristic sci-fi, from hidden indie gems to high-profile AAA hits.
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► Hades II
Developer: Supergiant Games
Publisher: Supergiant Games
* buying from Epic Store with the “WELONZ” Creator code supports this channel
► Hades II Story Synopsis
The first-ever sequel from Supergiant Games builds on the best aspects of the original god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler in an all-new, action-packed, endlessly replayable experience rooted in the Underworld of Greek myth and its deep connections to the dawn of witchcraft.
Battle beyond the Underworld using dark sorcery to take on the Titan of Time in this bewitching sequel to the award-winning rogue-like dungeon crawler.
#Hades2 #HadesII #SupergiantGames #Hades #Roguelite
Well, he is the originator of that.
This is probably the best time to pause since the next update will be a big one, tho there is still stuff to try if you want to
I love Narcissus' VA in large part because it's so not what I would have imagined.
Welonz, you are giving us a lot. You shouldn't stress yourself too much. Take breaks as well.
I was wondering If you plan to do a 90k special? Still, on a road to 100k! 💜
it's silly but you should get the Power to Pause and Reflect if just for trying it out on the fight 🙂
So, the reason you could dig while having the fishing rod is that, following an update, you can now get any resource while on a run, but the equipped tool will provide greater abundance (that's what it means to "Prioritize" the resource when you select it). So, you'll get more fishing spots, but rarer shades/dig spots/minerals etc. This was following community feedback as originally you would only get the resource related to the tool, which meant you had to a ton of runs to get resources, whereas now you can do one run and get different types.
For Fate Fabric, you can easily buy it from the Broker – and you should have enough Bones to do so as well
Frosty Veneer saved you so many times during that last fight!
If hating Scylla's style is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
2:16 idk why Eris had the golden apple, but she does seem to have a knack for getting places she's not invited. And not the first time either. One of those uses (starting the Trojan War) was her doing.
Meanwhile, distracting rivals was Aphrodite's doing. She gave Hippomenes some to distract Atalanta so he could win a footrace for her hand in marriage (and so she wouldn't kill him for losing). I haven't seen any indication they're going to, but it would be interesting if they included Atalanta in the game.
16:40 I see Arachne is still sporting that hubris which got her transformed into a spider in the first place. Though, in fairness, I don't really see Ares or Dionysus being fantastic weavers.
21:41 If the mortals in game are anything like the Ancient Greeks irl, then they would know a decent amount about Kronos. They didn't write as much about him as the Olympians, but they did write about him. e.g. how he was released from prison and allowed to rule over Elysium or how he created the Golden Age of Man. Idk if they're gonna do the former, but they're certainly leaning into the latter. Really makes Chronos feel like a boomer complaining about kids these days. Truly, Hesiod would be proud.
And yes, they're all gods. In the same way that Canadians, Americans, and Brits are all humans despite belonging to different groups. Which would absolutely make Mel a god too.
39:17 Nyx has had so many kids that there's a number of ways they've come about, but considering several of them are fatherless, including some ones seen in game, it's probably safe to assume it is definitely not like mortal reproduction.
So Eris's presence or nonpresence in the Crossroads has nothing to do with whether you defeated her in your most recent run or which direction you go in! She just is there or not according entirely to her whims.
Greek Gods aren't like the Christian God, they aren't characterise as all powerful, all seeing, Demeter is bound by the seasons, that is determinate by the time that she can see her daughter, Aphrodite is more complicated, because there are three versions of her, the two most popular of them are Aphrodite Areia, Spartan goddess of war, and Aphoride Pandemos that is your typical goddess of love, but in the Greek context, "love" is more like a lust or obsession.
Eris has a golden apple, because according to myth, she was not invited to a banquet on Olympus due to being a chaos gremlin, and offended, threw in a golden apple with an inscription "to the fairest." So naturally Hera, Athena and Aphrodite got into an argument who should get the apple, and Zeus was like 'aight girls, I know just the guy' and had the mortal Paris be the judge of who of the three goddesses was the mos beautiful. Of course, all three tried to bribe Paris, with Aphrodite promising him the love of the most beautiful mortal woman, which was Helen. Long story short, Eris started the Trojan War with a golden apple and some trolling.