I’ll try to get some videos out quick about the update! Next up will be an overview of the patch notes and general additions. Also, the VOD channel is linked below in case you can’t wait and just want to see everything first hand! (might take a few hours for the VOD to come available)
Patch notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1145350/view/7057794870234137716
VOD Channel: https://youtube.com/@haelianvods3968?si=Vm1o4cwt0KtuLinq
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/haelian/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/haelian2
Discord: https://discord.gg/j7Fa2Mv
00:00 Old stuff
23:38 NEW ZONE
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Prometheus' fighting style kinda remind me of Zagreus with those twin fists; he constantly charges at you quickly to get close enough to deliver a rapidly brutal and destructive beatdown.
41:05 Charon can go the the surface, yeah, but the Styx doesn’t flow around Olympus.
36:15 you are going to regret saying this tbh 😂
The Black Coat is Macross Super Armor?!
Did y'all find Dio after that 2nd run? Had to bounce because fuck work and then I was driving back home after that LOL
And what about gifting nectar to him and Athena? Don't suppose you were able to do that?
I keep getting my cheeks clapped by Eris I just wanna play the new stuff😩
I’m so sad that they changed the slow time mechanic into a keepsake. Now it forces me to play without a keepsake just to be able to play like before the patch
The Nyx Aspect for the weapon is so fun to use, I've done so many runs with it, and it just flows so well. New favorite weapon
Pretty sure prometheus has Malphon. The blue gloves (he has hand to hand combat after all)
A little disappointed we didnt get any new proper boon granting gods but everything else in the update is so great! I love the weapon.
caught the end of stream but the game is really coming all together! I was personally always skeptical about the "ALL the Olympians are coming back" so it seems like we're stuck with these event gods for lack of a better term. The surface is pretty tough too so the eventual extreme measures is gonna be nuttyyyy
Final boss is def hinting at a typhon as the leaks suggested with the giant storm atop mt olympus.
Talos is basically robo-Chronos
you're not crazy the wheel used to explode, not crumple
Maybe I'm asking for too much but Athena and Dionysus are just events, and not full fledged gods with duos ect, feels bad man. I really thought they would add at least 3 more full gods to make the number be the same as first game
i beat the prometheus and i didnt get black coat? how to get those adamant thing?
This update is looking super good so far! I did end up beating the new final enemy with the Charon axe on my second attempt (no fear), but the automatons in Olympus are absolute murder machines, at least for me. I get the feeling that melee weapons are going to be most difficult on the surface.
The new weapon is really fun, still tryna figure out the best boon synergies, but it definitely reminds me of the gauntlets from hades 1. Also, Athena and dionysus are really cool to see return on olymus, i actually like the event gods because the intro to them is cool.
Petition to say top bottom vers whenever prometheus does the zoning att
@Haelian fwi -> Improved look of captain's wheels falling apart on ships in the Rift of Thessaly
Dionysus is tweaking in the middle of war .. fokin giga chad
15:45 chat got it wrong. the wheel didnt use to crumble. it EXPLODES. Crumbling is new and the ship teleport animation is also changed
Best part of the update: Hecate hot springs
Mommy sorry sorry mommy sorry mommyLet me do it for you : "Hello friends and Lovers"
which arcana set you use?