1v1 Hades vs Poseidon – Super Mega Hyper Modern Greek War

Some good thought process as to when to do different strategies in the Greek war and why to do them.

For further context:
If you have high hunt on the map then a 2 TC semi-FM can steam-roll the 3 TC because you won’t have access to hunt. But on a map with no hunt then there very little hope the aggressor to jump ages faster than you.


17 thoughts on “1v1 Hades vs Poseidon – Super Mega Hyper Modern Greek War”

  1. Nice game boit boi, AoM will never die, and communities united can get anything posible. Competition in RTS is made of creativity and the history of AoM is 100 times more interesting because ir shows purpose and that we became gods when we realize that what we do is our responsability and no one else. Our decisions make history, and Arkantos is the symbol of the franchaise. Keep it up, AoE4 will fall soon rather than later, and AoM will never die.

  2. I liked that game reminded me of DM. You played it really well i think if you went more vills on favor and pumped out colossus he would have died quicker. Tank units.

  3. Good news!! I read a day or two ago that Microsoft "haven't forgotten about Age of Mythology" —- there may yet be an AoM 2 or at least a Definitive Edition!!! :))


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