[2] Expedition For Mythical Cerberus of Hades! | Total War Saga Troy Achilles Mythological Campaign

Welcome to A Total War Saga Troy. In this mythological campaign, we play as Achilles, the legendary warrior. As we continue to expand into Macedonia, we also begin our first mythological expedition for the Cerberus of Hades. Meanwhile, Achilles uses giants to break apart his foes on the mainland.

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#TotalWarTroy #Achilles #SurrealBeliefs

Voice of Achilles, Crash Star.

0:00 Legend of Achilles II
1:24 CrashStar
2:19 Back to Plans
4:12 Arimaspoi Hunters
5:29 Battle 1 – Arimaspoi
7:00 Moving North
8:45 Hydra Cultists
10:02 Battle 2 – Hail Hydra
12:42 Sending the Expedition
15:34 Epic Mission – Dark Tidings
19:15 Epedition Event – Eleusinians
22:18 Battle 3 – A Town to Take
26:57 After Pherae
27:53 Sons of Atreus’ Call to War
29:51 Expedition Event: Tainaron
33:17 Battle 4 – Outnumbered Heavily
39:33 Expedition Event: The Lake
43:34 Managing the Lands
44:40 Battle 5 – Walls to Tear Down
52:21 After the Battle
53:57 Expedition Event – Circe’s Naiad’s
59:26 The Push for Land
1:02:41 Expedition Event – In Hades

About SurrealBeliefs:
Hi everyone, my name is Matt or you may know me by SurrealBeliefs or Surreal! I’ve been around for a while playing games like Total War and Mount and Blade almost exclusively with several notable, enjoyable exceptions.

I create video series that immerses you into the worlds that I get to play in through compelling storytelling, in the hopes to help you enjoy and appreciate the rich lore and history within the game.

[2] Expedition For Mythical Cerberus of Hades! | Total War Saga Troy Achilles Mythological Campaign



24 thoughts on “[2] Expedition For Mythical Cerberus of Hades! | Total War Saga Troy Achilles Mythological Campaign”

  1. Hello Matt, you probably don't need these tips, but I'll tell them anyway.
    1) Myrmidons are the strongest units in the game, each time you complete the warrior challenges for Achilles you'll get his special factions units and the upkeep gets reduced drastically.
    2) Achilles has good bowmen in form of the Achaen Bowmen one of the best in Greek Side of things.
    3) Worshipping a combination of Aphrodite and Hera will give a big boost to your growth.
    4) Do not get a chariot for Achilles, get the skill "Sunder Armor" , he will take out any hero with 5-6 shots, and the effects of said skill also apply to units.
    5) Do not attack Lycomedes yet, there is a quest line for him.


    SurrealBeliefs, you are one of my favorite YouTubers and I love the fact you incorporate voice acting into your videos and CrashStar is killing it as Achilles. Please let him recite a few lines from Brad Pitt's iconic lines from Troy.

    Also when is the next video on Samson coming?

  3. The fact that you throw mythological lore that you learned in your studies into this series has me absolutely glued to it, love and keep it up, you definitely have a long time fan here in me


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