32 HEAT BLIZZARD SHOT CAST BUILD | Gameplay + Guide | Hades v1.37 (w/ voice commentary)

Next in the 32 heat series is the Aspect of Poseidon. I chose to go with Blizzard Shot and was not disappointed… overall anyway. I provide helpful voice commentary throughout the video, for beginners and more experienced players alike.

Time Stamp
00:00 | Intro
00:11 | Guide (Casts & Pact of Punishment)
01:45 | Tartarus
09:49 | Asphodel
17:58 | Elysium
26:40 | Temple of Styx
29:48 | Hades

Key Boons
Aspect of Poseidon (Sword)
Flood Shot (Poseidon)
Blizzard Shot (Poseidon/Demeter Duo)
Pressure Points (Demeter)
Cold Fusion (Zeus/Demeter Duo)
Sea Storm (Zeus/Poseidon Duo)
Lightning Strike (Zeus)
Flurry Slash (Hammer)
Piercing Wave (Hammer)

For more Hades content:
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3lKjM0E
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/sleet_tv


9 thoughts on “32 HEAT BLIZZARD SHOT CAST BUILD | Gameplay + Guide | Hades v1.37 (w/ voice commentary)”

  1. That ending was so stressful !
    I'm starting to watch your ( Hades ) video and I like them very much 👍

    What do you think about stygian soul for blizzard shot ? I usually go for it with this shot because I'm struggling to get my blood shards back. So I take stygian and hop for +1 or +2 casts from chaos. Also I try to get the Artemis legendary.

    Anyway, keep it up, I appreciate your content !

  2. I noticed you don't seem to mind taking uncommon boons at all, is that because you are forcing a specific build or you generally don't care about rarity? Also why don't you have the mirror option that gives you higher chance of legendary/duo if they make up the essence of your build? Thx in advance

  3. Duo Boons seem to be the ban of my existence in this game. I don't have the mirror thing unlocked yet but trying to run Ares and Artemis for the Hunting Blades build and never getting it is strange, even when you have all the pre-requists. 🙁 I also like the Demeters laser build you did but I can never get the duo boon for it to track the enemy.

  4. Could you please make a video on fightning Asturius and Theseus quickly? I find Theseus super annoying to fight and I thought Asturius did patterns of three but sometimes he does a fourth swing. P.S. I don't have Meg.


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