640 DMG/SEC POISON OP BUILD | Aspect of Rama + Dionysus + Ares | Hades v1.0

Aspect of Rama + Poison is an OP build that you can consistently build, and with some luck you can get your poison to do 640 damage/second.

Key Boons
Heart-Seeking Bow (Aspect of Rama)
Drunken Flourish (Dionysus)
Curse of Nausea (Dionysus + Ares)
Bad Influence (Dionysus)
Hyper Sprint (Hermes)
Rush Delivery (Hermes)

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7 thoughts on “640 DMG/SEC POISON OP BUILD | Aspect of Rama + Dionysus + Ares | Hades v1.0”

  1. I just picked up the game and i almost finished the game with the Doom Shield, but this looks interesting. So, for this build, i just have to combine Ares and Dyonisus??

  2. does each poison tick hit the others with shared suffering? say you have 5 enemies with shared suffering and they all are taking 100 damage poison tick, does that mean they all take 300 damage from the other ticks combined?


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