Update 7.1 Leaks
I meant Composite Hades but Looks like a Leo
Also I will be testing these bots out at Maxed. including Megladon Orochi , Composite Calamity/spark , New Fafnir bots, New Freezes Weapons and more. Stay Tune
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shark robot???so theres a water map 🙂
Even if I have orochi I want the megodon
When will the event start?
Oh my god …that is the best best looking robot of 2020 hands down !!! I have Imperial hades but I will run 2 hades in my hangar if I get it !!!
I think that is hades because the middle light weapon Is different from sparks
Thast hades bcuz that small weapon is not a weapon its built in weapon
Persephony drone
It is not leo it is the heades
Listen to me man ,it is the composite heades!!!!!
I will sell my orochi to get this megalodon orochi
3:23 i'm think it is hades
Sorry my english because i'm Vietnamese
There is no way this is a Leo cuz its heavy weapon is on its left side (surprise, surprise, just like Hades) instead of being in the middle.
When is the 7.1 update?
Hades, pew-pew gun is in the back. Looks freakin sweet.
It’s not a composite Leo it’s composite Hades
Any idea when 7.1 is coming out??
I hope you new pilot is for Hades
The current hades pilot is trash
It looks like it could be a new Ao Jun skin because the tail and face are placed in the same spots as the Deathwing Ao Jun
But that drone looks dope
Cant wait at all😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
That’s hades bro
Composite Hades
Look at that light weapon in the middle, it looks different from all the others, it is definitely a Hades. I gotta get one of them, that's my #1 bot😍😍😍 wish we got a Leo pilot though, that'd be sick
I thought we were getting a shark titan.
When does the update come out
Anybody knows what is the date Of event 7.1