A Quick and Dirty Guide to What's New in Hades 2 | Haelian

Hades 2 Early Access playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmj6-vxquxwTXG6SQBKHe0ixC-aQv4NTT

Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145350/Hades_II/


00:00 Intro
00:24 Arcana Cards (Mirror of Night)
02:55 Weapons and Aspects
06:07 Tools
06:28 Familiars
07:04 Oath of the Unseen (Pact of Punishment)
09:28 Keepsakes
12:26 Resources and SPOILER WARNING
13:32 Chaos Trials
14:35 Incantations (Cauldron)
16:40 Outro

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#haelian #roguelike #gaming #hades #hades2


43 thoughts on “A Quick and Dirty Guide to What's New in Hades 2 | Haelian”

  1. Il take awhile to get the nightmare cause in hades 1 you got 2 titan bloods pure run in this 1 you get 1 obviously things will change each run and have it where chronos also drop 1 each run also with the chaos pink slab thing il be nice if they can do daily challenges from it where it can give bunch of random good stuff if your looking for something

  2. I’ll note that this game has a WAAAAY higher expected power point for Melinoë than Hades 1, which is good since there are about three times as many power sources to play with to get there. You didn’t even mention the Infusion boons or Path of Stars things yet, which are run-defining.

  3. I have gotten to Chronos about 5 times so far and have only just barely lost (about 5% left). The 2nd boss in Oceanus keeps taking too much resources from me. Struggling to consistently have enough damage at that point

  4. Thank you for this video! As someone who enjoys your videos but doesn't have the time to watch them all, this is exactly what I wanted before dipping my toes in the Hades 2 pool. Very useful! A short beginners guide for the first few runs would be welcome as well.

  5. 7:00 Both Familiars can be upgraded if you give them additional treats. You have 3 options for each familiar when you give them that treat allowing you to use their tool more times per run, increase max health/death defiances, and one other that I don't recall off the top of my head.

  6. i personally really love the pin as far as keepsakes go when you only have 1 or 2 DDs because depending on the situation it is a free heal in any given non boss room (ie there is one more enemy left in the room you are sure you can kill in 10 seconds and you are below 60 hp so you purposefully die to get to 60 hp) you are also impervious during it so it allows you to go for high risk moves when it procs. Ive also found evil eye to be good when you cannot consistently get past a boss (chronos for me) as it is a lot of extra damage

  7. crazy to see that despite the fact that he is a professional youtuber focused on hades, i have actually unlocked more of the arcana and incantations than he did. I just beat chronos last night after 35 hours and 75 runs

  8. As a much less skilled, more casual player, Arachne’s keepsake is incredible. Gives bonus 4 armor per room (not encounter) and if you run into Arachne you can give yourself a really nice regenerating cushion of health.

  9. Lmao, I just learned today that you can have more cards than starting 10 energy limit, i had a hard time with 3rd boss, after upgrades I almost killed the last one

  10. So, I’m sorta conflicted. On one hand, I love Haelian and wanna stay up to date with the community for Hades 2, but on the other… Shadow of the Erdtree is coming, I just recently got Elden Ring, and I don’t wanna miss out on THAT, either. Still… I suppose watching THIS video can’t hurt… can it?

  11. I wonder if it is Nix the final boss of the second path, she is the only one who i would consider in the same level of power as Chronos or maybe we get a third path fighting children of Nix as bosses.

  12. 5:05 Thanatos aspect is also very very good in a glyph build the crit adds each time an ennemy is hit by a glyph passive ( like zeus lightning) and it is very easy to not get hit when you have a way to launch your glyph directly at the ennemies ( like hectia's fire ball glyph) it's really one of the strongest build i have played so far, it has alot of dps ( each lightning doing around 200 damage thanks to crit), good against crowd and very easy to use you can just snipe your ennemy from the other side of the screen and focus on dodging .

  13. I wonder how you're able to channel your omega attack for the Axe? During the livestreams I noticed you're able to do it right after the first strike, but in my case I have to strike 3 times (2 normal and 1 charged up one) before starting to channel… is it a controller thing?

    Ive been working well with the knives and staff better than the axe tbh – it feels so heavy to wield!

  14. Zagreus was trying his hardest to escape the underworld and went against Hades, Melinoe is trying to reach the furthest depths of the underworld to save her family from Chronos (or is it Kronos…?). Honestly, if this game turns out extremely well (I have no doubt it will, everything is great so far, and the games not even finished yet. But this is my opinion) I'm kind of curious if they would actually move on to the third sibling I read about… I think her name is Macaria…

  15. My favourite Keepsake has been Eris so far! Getting to the final boss, you have %30 more damage (or higher) but take %30 damage. It’s risk vs reward but I seem to be doing so more more damage and don’t notice a difference from damage taken. Especially with the three death defiance.


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