A top speedrunner said I couldn't make this build work. We'll see about that. | Hades

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25 thoughts on “A top speedrunner said I couldn't make this build work. We'll see about that. | Hades”

  1. "you'd be a hero if you didn't swear" is probably coming from someone who spent a fuck ton of effort not swearing and is desperately trying to justify why it's worth it to themselves

  2. I would like to recommend a fun one button build, especially because you don't like Aspect of Talos, you need these: Aspect of Talos, artemis on special (preferably epic), Quake Cutter from the hammer, everything else is optinal but it pairs nicely with aphro-artemis duo or the rod for a cheesy build, I've managed to make this build work up until 25 heat, I'm curious if you could manage a 32 heat with it (I don't recommend forced overtime on level 2)


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