A Tour of Hades – The Ancient Greek Underworld – Extra Mythology

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We all know the stars of Hades are the Greek gods and dear Zagreus but the locale deserves some recognition too! So hop on the Ferryman’s boat and let’s take a tour of the Underworld, Supergiant style. We’ll talk about the realms of the dead like Tartarus, the Asphodel Meadows (which aren’t as firey in the original greek), and of course, the famed fields of Elysium. We’ll talk about what kind of souls are in each, and even the very special VIP spot for those who manage to reincarnate as heroes three times throughout their life.

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♪ Music: “Extra Mythology Theme” by Big Giant Circles


40 thoughts on “A Tour of Hades – The Ancient Greek Underworld – Extra Mythology”

  1. speaking as a classical studies grad, and someone catching an episode for the first time in quite a while, this episode feels more poorly researched and put together than what I remember from this channel. I wrote my thesis on the greek afterlife and while this isn't entirely wrong factually, the presentation is pretty lacking in clarity. For instance, the implication I feel most would get from this if they have no prior knowledge is that Tartarus is analogous to Christian hell. If you're bad, you get punished. However, the greeks didn't really believe that for almost everyone. Only crimes on godly scales landed souls in Tartarus, like the titans, or sisyphos. Also, no citations in the description? or a link? As people self appointing as educators, I think more effort should be put into the research and informative tone. This isn't to say I think having fun and putting stories in your videos is the problem, I just think the execution has been better in the past, and still has room to grow in the future

  2. Games are a new media for stories, before games were people telling stories over camp fires, while working the fields, in books.

    Even Live "Action" is feeling the strain of keeping up with Animation. Bambi for example, people thought that cartoons weren't practical cause people could tell the difference between cartoons and "Reality", yet Bambi did it's thing, and people were crying in the hall ways when the mother died.

  3. So I know there isnt really a market for them but can there be a short series, like maybe 3 videos on car combat games and maybe talk about what makes them tick, oh and I would love even just one video

  4. Please tell me you will do a series on Asian American history soon?! The Try Guys surprisingly have an excellent primer just published if you need something to go on.

  5. Technically, it seems like the king of the underworld may have originally been called Aidoneus, husband to Dread Persephone, Queen of Hades. (Yeah, kinda seems that one got reeeeally flipped around by the notably misogynistic Athenians. Mycenean art seems to heavily favor Persephone, with her husband showing up as an otherwise nondescript figure. That's likely why we have so few myths about Hades now.)
    There's a common trope in Greek that you avoid calling the names of cthonic gods for fear that they might be summoned, so they may have stopped using Aidoneus's name and instead just called him "The King of Hades", and eventually just "Hades". Incidentally, Persephone means "bringer of death", which may ALSO be an epithet rather than her real name. In Arcadia they just called her "Kore" ("The Girl") so we know they were wary of speaking her name, too. So it's entirely plausible that we don't even know what her name originally was because nobody wanted to write it down!

  6. I wonder what Charon does with all that toll money. I mean… it's mortal money, what use could he possibly have for it? It's not like he goes up to the agora in Thebes or go to the laundromat.

  7. wait if it takes an anvil 20 days to from the heavens and down to Tartarus, we can calculate the height of the world.
    we all know that all objects fall a 9.81m/s^2, if we take out air resistance, and thus removing terminal velocity, because i make the rules, the height of the entire world from heaven to tartarus is 8475 kilometer or 5266 miles.

  8. The "God of Death" is named Plutonas( Πλούτωνας),or in English ,Pluto.
    At times however,people would refer to him as Hades (Άδης)as well.
    As an excited Greek , I am very proud of you guys paying attention to our mythology and tradition❤️
    Keep up the good work 💪

  9. The mention of video games and mythology reminded me of the game that got me into mythology, Age of Mythology (anyone else remember that?)

    The Greeks really had a tiered system, huh? Of course, if you lived a good life but were too busy trying to survive to write poetry or be memorable, you were kinda left out of luck

  10. im still disappointed hecatia dident appear since she is a cthonic god to, im sure they could have gotten some interesting fun out of the whole three bodies thing and her lampads would make interesting enemies, but i guess she must have been busy on a vacation to japan or something


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