A Tribute To The Pegasus Rush | Rapl (Zeus) vs Hells (Hades) Game 1/5 #aom #ageofempires

Rapl shows an old but beautiful trick in this game, can hells make a come back?

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13 thoughts on “A Tribute To The Pegasus Rush | Rapl (Zeus) vs Hells (Hades) Game 1/5 #aom #ageofempires”

  1. I dont think pegasus is abuse, im a greek main so might just be biased

    Its gay and annoying, as is many more things in this game, but I still think it gives the game more depth having it as it is

  2. I've been loving this tournament so far. Though I'm following this one quite well compared to previous ones, I think it wouldn't go astray to have reminders of the tournament state.

    It is a 16 players single-elimination tournament right? We saw 6 differents match-up, then we saw Skady Vs Kvoth. Kvoth already won against Yoshii so against Skady it was a quarter-final match right?
    Then what was the first matchup of Skady? We didn't see that one.
    Also that makes this Rapl Vs Hellsravage the last eight-final.

    So my humble request:
    Could you please mention what matchup it is (quarterfinals, semi, etc) at the start of the first game? Or at least mention it in the description.
    And could you say something like "this player wins this series and goes to quarter/semi" for example, at the end of a series?

    Thanks for your attention BoIt 🙂

  3. I don’t play AoM anymore but damn it’s so entertaining to see pros going at it. I love the fact that there’s this nice sense of respect between the two players.


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