What’s your favorite aspect? Let me know in the comments!
00:00 Intro
01:14 Zag Sword
03:39 Nemesis Sword
06:40 Poseidon Sword
09:00 Arthur
11:19 Zag Spear
13:56 Achilles Spear
16:32 Hades Spear
19:58 Guan Yu
23:30 Zag Shield
25:05 Chaos Shield
27:43 Zeus Shield
29:58 Beowulf
32:33 Zag Bow
34:02 Chiron Bow
36:07 Hera Bow
38:28 Rama Bow
40:22 Zag Fist
41:51 Talos Fist
43:21 Demeter Fist
45:07 Gilgamesh
47:48 Zag Rail
50:18 Eris Rail
52:37 Hestia Rail
54:19 Lucifer
56:43 Outro
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Haelian: "new players who play with 10 -20 heat"
Me who doesn't even play with heat 0_0
I love Achilles Spear because it feels like the most fast paste aspect
Smart to capitalize on all the Xbox and PS newbs with some helpful content.
I will have you know I am an Aspect of Gilgamesh diehard lol
I love the fists, I think Demeter fists can be the best option for new players having trouble with Elysium. 5 upppercuts will melt armor
and I think Demeter fist with Aphro special was my first EM4 win
Very surprised how low Talos fists are, and fists in general. I love using them.
I think for new players zag shield is much better than zeus shield specifically because its so much easier (and also cheaper), zeus shield is really interesting but its a bit too finicky without enough upside.
sure both aspects are just upsides to the keep attacking them shield playstyle but one is free dmg and the other requires gimmicky manouvering and control.
since the extra dmg you get from the special in zeus is pretty much made up for with zags, its mostly an interesting gimmick with other boons, but its not something you put on to tryhard high heat (a big reason of which is said gimmick making for a slower playstyle) therefore I would not recommend it to beginners but rather later on in the game to offer a more unique playstyle to avid players.
47:30 Okay but consider with Gilgamesh:
The PHAT hit you can get with Maim and Thanatos Keepsake
Picked up the game when if came out on Xbox Pass and slowly learned the mechanics of the game through trials and errors. Untill i learned on my 14th run that weapons have aspects and picked up Chaos Shield. Was in awe by how fast and easily i cleared the rooms and managed to beat hades with it for the first time in about 39mins.
Thanks for putting the hammers you are talking about up on screen. That kind of editing takes a long time, but it is really helpful and appreciated!
12:48 also the chain hammer that hits 7 enemies is really fun with sea storm or doom
Aspect of Hades smacks
chiron, achilles, and arthur have been my favorites recently. especially arthur, loving the gameplay of it despite it being the slowest weapon in the game
43:56 I thought kinetic launcher is only for shield
As for feeling like the game should be fast pace, that's the main reason the aspect of Rama is my favorite bow aspect as I can focus fire my special on specific enemies and get a bit of spread damage tacked on vs the special being scattered. Having to charge up the primary attack always felt weird to me after having already played fast with the earlier weapons, though, I do like aspect of Chiron after getting the hammer upgrade that essentially makes the attack quick fire.
Boon tier list u won't
Engagement for the engagement god!
To this day, I simply can't do well with Beowulf or Gilgamesh no matter how much I try.
Aspect of Gilgamesh is actually my favorite hahaha! I'm definitely not a super seasoned player though (maybe 300ish hours?), but I tend to get an Ares/Athena (Merciful End) + Artemis build going and play very aggressively. Putting Poseidon on dash is another fun option too with the extra dashes, with some Zeus. I'm sure that I don't put in as much intricate strategy though, it's more a 'feel good' thing for me, which is why I attached right away to the fists category in general, I love close-range smack fests, but I know that would destroy me in higher heats (I've only gotten to around 25 w/ AoG)~ Super love this video, as it does provide a lot of information!
Oh man was wild seeing chaos at S tier! Haha. I know everyone has their tastes I just don't enjoy that weapon at all. Great video as usual though.