All Gods talk about Dionysus – Hades 2

All Gods talk about Dionysus in Hades 2

All Gameplay in this video is played, recorded, and edited by me. The footage is edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes

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10 thoughts on “All Gods talk about Dionysus – Hades 2”

  1. Meanwhile, I can’t help not but notice the rather suspicious absence of Ares in all of these clips…
    An all out war brewing between Gods and Titans is going on, and I haven’t heard of hide nor hair of him.

  2. Hephaestus: "Probably off getting sloshed somewhere is all. Don't like when everybody's fighting."
    That explains a lot.
    Zeus and Hera arguing over latest infidelity
    Dionysus: "Welp, I'm off to drink myself into a stupor. Hermes, wake me when all this is over."
    Hermes: "At this rate that could be 60 years from now."
    Dionysus: "Yyyyyup."

  3. It would be funny if we see Dionysus enter his old Cult persona where the wine cult had Dionysus as an old dream god. So we see him and he's less party more delirious meandering finding a solution in the maddening tonics he's brewing.


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