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Thanks for the videos you make . Can you make a video of hecate’s daughter Circe that would be awesome . I think you would be great as Circe .
I love how you built the character of Hades, your acting = on point! 👌🏻🤩
So we essentially needed to play under demand of Hades so he can rule the world
Sure why not
Wait but why do I find this so attractive 👉👈
jajajaj spanish coment: Eres muy hermosa osiosi :3
Angelica: Dont try this at home.
Me and my curiosity: Yes but no-
Yo, no cap, if I knew Hades was this valid, I woulda ended it long ago
I'm literally reading percy jackson as I listen to this.
Previously on lore Olympus………..
I like to imagine that that’s not her green screen fucking up, but actually hades just won’t stop farting
You! Make! A ! Awesome! And! A! Amazing! Hades!
My! Name! Is! Jada! Marie! McCarrell! I’m! A! Girl! I! Have! Got! Autism! I’m! 19! years! old! I’m! Going! To! Be! Turned! 20!years! old! On! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! And! Me! And! Momma! And! Daddy! We! Are! Going! To! Be! Getting! Up! Really! Early! On! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! Which! My! Official! 20th! Birthday! Will! Be! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! Yay! Woohoo! Me! And! Momma! And! Daddy! We’re! Getting! Up! Really! Early! On! My! Official! 20th! Birthday! On! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! And! Momma! And! Daddy! Are! Going! To! Be! Taking! Me! On! A! Birthday! Shopping! Trip! On! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! Because! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! Will! Be! My! Official! 20th! Birthday! So! Momma! And! Daddy! Are! Going! To! Be! Taking! Me! On! A! Birthday! Shopping! : trip! This! Upcoming! Monday! November! 23! Because! I! Will! Be! 20! years! old! After! Midnight! This! Upcoming! Sunday! Night! Yay! Woohoo!
And! I’m! Now! A! Senior! In! High! School! Now! Yay! I! Also! Do! School! At! Home! Yay!
I’m! Also! Going! To! Be! Having! A! Frozen! two! Birthday! party! This! Upcoming! Saturday! November! 21Th! It! Will! Be! at! Our! House! And! My! Frozen! two! Birthday! party! Will! Be! At! 12: o’clock! Pm! At! Our! House!This! Upcoming! Saturday! Yay!
that thumbnail gave me a gay panic attack and im not even mad
i’m romantically attracted to this video pls
I didnt know i could be more lesbian but yet here we are
Hades: don’t press there unless you want to stop existing
Me: presses that spot even more
Now do one as Rhea when her son Zeus started locking her siblings up in Tartarus.
wow this was a very good ASMR video !
day one of helping kia bailey ask angelica to do a chiropractor cracks your back but half way through accidentally kills you and tries to do something with the body
"bring that head on over"
who knew even gods were freaky asl
If you place the green screen a little further away, it keys better. 🙂
When hades is hotter than Persephone….. Damn
Hol up you got an only fans 😳