At The Gates Of Hades | Odysseus Mythos Campaign #04 | A Total War Saga: TROY

Hey guys! Today we’re playing as Odysseus for our first Mythos Campaign! We’re going to be working our way towards having Cerberus join our ranks with his hordes of the undead, curtesy of Hades. Expect plenty of mythical monsters to show up in our ranks and that of our enemies. Harpies, Sirens, Gorgons, you name it! Enjoy 🙂

A Total War Saga: TROY and all of it’s DLC, Mythos included, should soon be available on my Nexus Store if you wanted to get a steam key:

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Have a good day, guys.

The outro music is a excerpt from the cover of “King Of The Rodeo – Kings of Leon” by a fine subscriber of mine that goes by the name of David McMichael. You can find more of his music here:

#JanetOnOccasion #TotalWarTroy #MYTHOS


4 thoughts on “At The Gates Of Hades | Odysseus Mythos Campaign #04 | A Total War Saga: TROY”

  1. First? Sorry, don't know what else to write in this situation other than I'm excited to see how the quest battle plays out! ^^

    EDIT: Wow, what a gorgeous map! My only complaint: freaking ghost corpses!
    Come on, CA! At least let them turn into piles of purple ectoplasm or something lol


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