Belzebub VS Hades || Record of Ragnarok EDIT #shuumatsunovalkyrie #shorts


25 thoughts on “Belzebub VS Hades || Record of Ragnarok EDIT #shuumatsunovalkyrie #shorts”

  1. There's no chance for belzeebub beat hades , that's The fax, hades already defeat him easily , that's why he becomes his follower and become his successor after the death of hades, we know the author of ROR is so freaking random to give the power, look at Lord Shiva, his design not so menacing and weaker that zeus just because the tittle is "Ragnarok" and taking place at greek, i'm not hindu, but we all know that none of god at ROR could defeat shiva, in fact shiva would solo's them all, but here is not, so we can't say it fax or not about the power of any char here, because the author too random.

  2. Se pensar direito, é exatamente isso um resultado real

    Sabemos que o Hades apenas venceu o Bel antes de tudo que ele teve na luta contra o Tesla, uma luta desarmada enquanto Hades tinha equipamento e força

    Mas após ganhar sua arma, Bel simplesmente se tornou uma ameaça imparável para Hades, as vibrações, inteligência, a resistência, e claro o deus do vazio, se tivéssemos realmente uma revanche entre Hades e Bel, certamente a vitória seria do emo

  3. I wouldnt say low diff more like extreme hades is much much stronger than posiden and the rest except zues like he could probs take beezelbub extreme diff if he used desmos from the start


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