Chem and Tictac discuss his past reputation, and current position in Hades | Nopixel RP

Nopixel 4.0 GTA-RP


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0:00 chem and tictac discuss their past reputation
1:56 reputation as a gang hopper
3:35 loyalty to hades
5:23 stepping up to push the gang forward
9:10 hades current underboss discussion
11:00 tictac on learning from his past


8 thoughts on “Chem and Tictac discuss his past reputation, and current position in Hades | Nopixel RP”

  1. There was a reason that gangs didn’t take him in. He had the removing shadows incident, and also omie told his chat to trust him on why tictac will never be in GG. I’m assuming but it must have been something serious. But glad he is enjoying it with Hades

  2. Yoooo… ngl tic tac has a waaaay better mentality than I thought he did. As a viewer who hasnt watched tic tac yet, im offically interested in seeing more of his character and actively rooting for him


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