Cohh talks about his Early Thoughts on Hades II Early Access, after playing for ~4hours. – Watch live at
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#hades2 #gamereview #cohhcarnage
Don't fix what ain't broke
I wanted more Darkest Dungeon but got Darkest Dungeon 2 instead 😢 would have loved a continuation closer to the original like Hades > Hades 2
Who could get mad at a sequel that does more of the great game the original was???
Fun woke characters you mean. No thanks.
It's early access so I'm only expecting more hades, but I am hoping that over the course of it's ea it becomes Hades, but bigger and better.
grabs someone saying oh why is this just more Hades
Because that's what the people want MOAR
Shakes the person
hades 2 comes out
people complain it looks like hades
lmao wtf yall expecting
Here’s the thing I found about Hades 2. On the surface, it is pretty similar to Hades 1, but the combat is WILDLY different. A big issue I had with Hades 1 was how spammy the combat got as you went up the Heat levels. Every encounter was basically spamming dodge + dash attack and praying you weren’t going to take a lot of damage. The dash is significantly nerfed in Hades 2 and thus makes the combat feel slower and more thought out. Maybe down the line there are bonuses that give you more or faster dashes, but it feels like they wanted to remove the dash abusing gameplay of high level Hades. Also, while the weapons in Hades 1 were pretty different, the gameplay remained largely the same outside of a few outliers. I’ve only unlocked 3 weapons in Hades 2, but they are all astronomically different from each other and force you to play very differently.
The differences between Hades 1 and 2 are pretty subtle, but it genuinely feels very different from Hades 1 while maintaining the core gameplay loop. Super excited to see how this game develops.
When Silksong comes out people are gonna say exact same thing lmao
This is why we can't have nice things. You give people more of the same thing and they will complain about it anyways
I wonder how much Hades 1 he played because Hades 2, while it looks very similar on the surface, plays and feels very different. Slower is a good way to put it.
You had me at "more Hades".
They have Amelia Tyler and the Coral Crown. I am one happy gamer as far as I am conserned.
Just more Hades?
Just take my money….
Gamers: Man i really love this game, i want more of it. I want them to keep doing this!
Also Gamers: Wow this game is just like the previous game why didn't they change things?
Who would complain a second part is similar to the first one? The opposite is true, like for example in Sacred 3… wtf was that
So it is Hades 1.5 and that is ok. But i dont want it to be a scuffed Overwatch "2".
I was worried they were going to change it too much but hearing "it's more Hades" is music to my ears.
i honestly would liked complete new game. loved transistor and bastion along with hades. its just i played so much of hades compared to other 2 i feel its bit burnt out for me. looking forward for their next game and hope its a new project.
I got a fever, and there's only one prescription. Moar Hades!
good thing they took the 6 gorillion bucks to say the greek gods arent greek
people that want a sequel of a game to not be anything like the game it's based on might have eaten too many paint chips as a child.
Hades was great. I wanted more Hades. I got more Hades.
This seems like a pretty simple concept.
More Hades you say? Sign me up!!
Hades 1 is easily in the discussion for my favorite game of all time (favorite Rouge-like hands down) so I'm super happy that Hades 2 is hitting that perfect balance of change that makes it feel fresh but also the same.
Loving this Early Access so far.
Those people that dont expect more of the same but expanded upon in a sequel are all kinds of nutty.
Couldn't agree more. Played for 2 hours last night, and it's exactly everything I wanted it to be. Hades, but…more. Could not be happier, and will be spending a TON of time on it.
The thumbnails on the video make it hard to find the thoughts videos specifically when you visit cohh's channel. We need a distinct stark image to make it easily distinguishable from the other playthrough videos.
Dead space 3 wasn’t more Dead space 2. Dead space 3 killed the franchise.
Oooh nooo, not more killer content and kickass gameplay and cool characters, anything but thaaat
Hades 1 was good… but for me personally it wasn't quite it. Because I felt like the Gameplay Loop was always to samey.
And I mean, it's a Roguelike it has to be somewhat samey and repetitive.
But the meta progression and the boon combo's you could get in combination with the 6 weapons always felt like there wasn't enough to make it different enough between runs.
So after like 10ish hours I felt like I've seen everything the Game had to offer… but the story kept going and going and going, because you have to Kill Hades 10 times, which took me 29h.
By that Time I was so tired of the Game that I just watched the Epilogue on Youtube instead of doing it myself.
So my hope for Hades 2 is, that it's more Hades… but adds more variety in Builds and better meta progression so that it actually feels like they change the Gameplay more than Hades 1, so that it feels less repetitive.
So either way, I will buy it and play it, to see for myself. But if I end up not enjoying it, well at least I supported a good Developer.