Day 2 on the NEW Hell Hades Free To Play Challenge! | Raid Shadow Legends
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wheres the coffee sips? thats the best part!
I really like the f2p videos. Keep up the great work.
Is anyone still having trouble with the optimiser website and leaderboards? I haven't been able to connect my account yet, the website page just doesn't want to load. I also can't see the leaderboards while I'm logged in, only if I log out.
If i could pick any champ to have on a new account it would be Allure. No books, makes every potion keep trivial, great against fire knight which is the more important gear farm dungeon.
you're slacking you got more than max energy lol
Not sure about Deacon…. MM is carrying me a lot
I used ragemonger for cb for my first 6 months. Granted, it was over 4 yrs ago, and there were fewer options. However, he did good work for me. Also, don't forget the campaign champs, warmaiden, and diabolist both can put some work in and are not wasted resources in the long run. Valarie, Greybeard, Heiress, and Executioner can cover a chunk of the low-level fw
Samael representing Poland here! You better win this competition now! 😂
Preserver not farmable, better to keep her
so many nobody content creators that i will never watch or remember the name of
Do the missions as much as poss
Out of the blocks strong, LOVE the MM pick. I debated between him and Alure for over an hour lol
Last year same sht
Shield Guard is a waste of time for an early account, especially on a 3-month time frame. The amount of resources you'll waste 6*ing an uncommon that early isn't worth it and most of the CCs who show him off as a Campaign farmer and Minotaur solo farmer have fully maxed Great Halls and have him in end game gear, something they don't admit when they make the videos so it's totally misleading that he's that good early game. You'll be much better off using your resources for an account changing epic for clan boss or something else instead of trying to build a Shield Guard. Your starter champ can be your long term campaign farmer either way, all starter champs are capable of farming 12-3 in 8-10 seconds once they get better gear. Armiger and Satyr are about the only 2 uncommons I'd think about that early in the game given their turn meter abilities and value in dungeons.