Day of Planescape || HOPELESS & Gray Wastes of Hades || A World Building Podcast

Join us live, or listen in as we delve into Planescape, the Gate-Town of Hopeless & Gray Wastes of Hades. Please drop a comment below with your own brilliant ideas.

RPG with DBJ is a live world building podcast dedicated to igniting mind fuel. From D&D to 5e, OSR to NSR, we talk about all things fantasy and all RPGs, d20 and more.

Be inspired.

RPG with DBJ on a demi-daily deep dive, M-F 6am EST in an interactive hour long vlog-cast.

Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, get notifications, join our Facebook group, and participate in the live chat as well as the Discord. Jump in and get involved or just spread the news.

If you are feeling especially inspired, consider dropping a tip using the Super Chat, during live broadcasts. It’s not the money, but the tangible support that keeps me doing what I do!
I just want to thank everyone who has ever followed and supported us along this winding path of publishing discovery. We couldn’t do this without you!
That’s about it for now, and as always, we value your feedback.
Thank you, and have fun.
I’m your self-appointed 3rd pillar-ist, and I approve this message!

setting. Please drop a comment below with your own brilliant ideas.

RPG with DBJ is a live world building podcast dedicated to igniting mind fuel. From D&D to 5e, OSR to NSR, we talk about all things fantasy and all RPGs, d20 and more.

Be inspired.

RPG with DBJ on a demi-daily deep dive, M-F 6am EST in an interactive hour long vlog-cast.

Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, get notifications, join our Facebook group, and participate in the live chat as well as the Discord. Jump in and get involved or just spread the news.

If you are feeling especially inspired, consider dropping a tip using the Super Chat, during live broadcasts. It’s not the money, but the tangible support that keeps me doing what I do!
I just want to thank everyone who has ever followed and supported us along this winding path of publishing discovery. We couldn’t do this without you!
That’s about it for now, and as always, we value your feedback.
Thank you, and have fun.
I’m your self-appointed 3rd pillar-ist, and I approve this message!


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