Day[9]'s Day Off – Hades P1

Today we’re gonna have a relaxing afternoon of playing Hades 1.0 ALL DAY! Cheers to
Supergiant Games for making great stuff as always 🙂
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29 thoughts on “Day[9]'s Day Off – Hades P1”

  1. To be honest, Transistor wasn't very good. But agree with the rest, Bastion was great when it was first released, and Pyre was also pretty good. But IMO Hades is a significant jump in quality.

  2. its alright…. glad I pirated it like most other games(or anything I can), instead of buying it though… not worth my sterling. Then again, anything I can get for free; I'll take 😉

  3. Something I like about dead cells that I haven’t seen outside of very traditional rogue likes: the game forces you to give up your combos. This is because of the way item leveling works. You need to swap for better items to keep up with enemy damage and health scaling. But that also means that, although you could luck into a strong weapon interaction early on, you will probably have to give it up before the main boss. I could see how that can be frustrating, but I feel like it makes the times where you do get those combos all the more special.

  4. The "terrible adventure game" he's referring to is Gabriel Knight III – and the bit he described wasn't even the worst part of it. He needed the disguise so he could use a stolen driver license after altering it with the same disguise. And all of this because he didn't want to ride a scooter.

  5. 2006.. i played Legend of Mir, Myth of soma and WoW. Mostly soma, I was a soma head for about 4 years at that point. Amoung other things, I was far to young and already far to deep in MMO's xD

  6. My favorite game in years, super giant really outdid themselves. I played it non stop and burned myself out on it a bit, but that was after two weeks of constantly playing in my free time. The art is great, the music is great, the gameplay is super clean (very similar to bastion), but I feel like the real thing that sets it apart is the gameplay loop… I've never played a roguelike that didn't frustrate me, but not this one. I never gave a fuck about dying. Every time I died it progressed the story, gave me access to new weapons, new power ups, and it didn't feel contrived (until you essentially "beat" the game, then the narrative rewards are still there but don't hold the same interest for me). This game was clearly a labor of love and went through many iterations… I never tried it during open beta and it makes me regret it, I'd love to see the process!

  7. Hello people, I need some help deciphering what day9 said at 1:12:55. He was talking about a game and I would like to check it out. The only thing I could make out of it was "Castle andysiv" but I couldn't find any information on it. If someone recognizes it, please reply on this comment, thank you!

  8. The story keeps evolving on and on. All with spoken dialogue, but not in an arduously long exposition kind of way. It's an effort usually absent from games like these, because games like these focus on the action and lore is often seen as a moment of inaction. I think Hades strikes a good balance, with interesting characters you can care for, aside from doing so many other things right.


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