DCUO Test: Raising Hades [Elite] New DUO!

A look at the new Elite variant of the Raising Hades Duo apart of Episode 41 House of Legends for the Wonder Woman Save the Universe Content. To be released TBD. Enjoy

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17 thoughts on “DCUO Test: Raising Hades [Elite] New DUO!”

  1. How comes you are not giving words to the devs that every end-game players are pissed by the end-game? Cuz as a (normal) forum user they don't give a shit at all, let's be honest, and our useless community manager doesn't help.
    If i had some (close) relations with the devs i would tell them straight away that they are doing eveything wrong with end-game and elite Raids.
    Look at Batcave that's pathetic, and the end-game population isn't lying it's pretty much dead, no wonder how much we tell to Daybreak they don't care. So i'm really curious about the feedbacks you give to them.


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