Death and I – Hades November 26, 2020 by SiIvaGunner Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Music: Death and I Composer: Darren Korb Playlist: Platform: PC Please read the channel description. source
Chara and Zagreus are similar in the fact they both die repeatedly in order to attain their respective goals Reply
Before I even started the video, and before I've even heard of this game, "It's gonna be Nutshack…" Reply
The Olympushack
You better do an "out of tartarus"/E1M1 rip
Who here is missing thanksgiving to watch this rip?
zagreus finally reached the hardest part of the underworld to escape…the nutshack
zagreus died from a nut allergy
Nutlovania except it is ceremonial and ancient.
Why does Karkat have the Xenoblade
Yall should do a rip of death road to canada. I think that would be epic
Fun fact: if you give a gift of nectar to eurydice, she will give you a nut
> megalovania
> zagreus has the same color palette as aradia
this is a homestuck reference.
Joke: It's the nutshac- MEGALOVANIA
Chara and Zagreus are similar in the fact they both die repeatedly in order to attain their respective goals
Is it just me or does he kinda look like one of those homestuck characters?
Nutshack & Sans
You will never get past this Nutshack, boy.
more Supergiant rips thanks
i KNEW this was going to happen the moment i heard this song ingame
haha with that palette the guy looks kinda like a homest
megalovania is appropriate because this dude reminds me way too much of homestuck
I fucking love this jape, more of that please.
Megalovania Status: appears to be nominal, can’t determine for sure
Before I even started the video, and before I've even heard of this game, "It's gonna be Nutshack…"
Wait a minute is that… THE NUTSHACK?
Fun fact: if you look at this image from far away, it looks like Homestuck
I fucking knew that if Siiva was gonna rip this song, it was gonna be Nutshack
Oh for the love of
The fucking abruptness of it made me laugh
Anyone else think he looks like a buff Karkat?
Sorry but I must dislike this.
You're nuts