Dental Visit and Hotter than Hades in Thailand Today

I firmly believe that one can travel as a minimalist, Cheap Charlie style and have a great time. For those of us who love to travel, the joy of it is the new experiences, exploring new places, meeting new people, experiencing difference cultures. To do these things a lot of money is not required, in fact by spending a lot there is the real possibility that money can get in the way of these things. I keep my backpacking ultralight, bringing as few things as possible so I can also explore and move around as much as possible. I do a lot of walking on my travels.


9 thoughts on “Dental Visit and Hotter than Hades in Thailand Today”

  1. Watch the amount of salt you take in daily CC, don't add salt to your meals, You should wait at least 5 minutes before taking with no talking , and feet flat on the floor, relax, breath normal. You may think about getting a major check-up, every two years after you reach the age of 40, talking about my CNA personal experience w/blood pressure.

  2. Good job! Get the rest done before you leave. Stream it again. Take 20 minutes and get paid at the same time. Get a Samsung phone bro, under $300 used and it is stable without a gimbal so you don’t have to carry an extra gimbal around. Also in the note 10 plus, you can edit 4k videos, all you need is an adapter to hook it up to a tv and a Bluetooth mouth n keyboard, if you want a bigger screen. Planet Doug used it for a long while. Cheers!

  3. There’s a classic song ‘Mad Dogs and Englishmen’ sung by the the famous English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer Noel Coward. First ever rap song lol 😝. I still went for a run 🏃‍♂️ yesterday 🥵 here in Jomtien. The weather in London England is still only around 18C right now!


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