Deuses ( GOW ) Reagindo a Hades ( Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ) – Submundo | M4rkim

Criador do Rap : @M4rkim

Rap Utilizado no React :

Thumbmaker :

Tags :
#anime #gachaclube #gachareact #rap #rapanime #m4rkim #recordofragnarok #shuumatsunovalkyrie #hades


39 thoughts on “Deuses ( GOW ) Reagindo a Hades ( Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ) – Submundo | M4rkim”

  1. I can be selfish asking this but can you make them react god rap of Shiva and Buda that are not olampus if you have time or you are doing other project i just wish you best of luck

  2. Faz eles reagindo ao rap do Hades vs Qin Shi Huang do Kaito, além de ser muito bom ele acaba explicando detalhadamente sobre a luta e seria top ver a reação deles as referências ao nome da persefone no rap


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