Easy strat to get Legendaries feels almost like cheating. | Hades 2

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35 thoughts on “Easy strat to get Legendaries feels almost like cheating. | Hades 2”

  1. If your core boons aren’t filled, you’re always offered one core boon, so you only have two chances of getting a legendary for each boon. If they’re all filled, you have almost three chances each time. Tier 2 boons can also be offered as priority boons, but there’s only a 25% chance of it happening, so filling the slots is helpful. In Hades 1 it wasn’t always helpful because it can also enable unwanted duos, but in Hades 2 legendary and duo chances are separate, and legendaries have priority, so that’s not an issue.

    Vow of Forsaking helps remove core boons and tier 2 boons faster, so you get more chances of getting a legendary. I don’t personally think it’s worth having to keep track of every boon you’ve forsaken, though.

    Also for some reason the Ephyra miniboss room has higher duo chance, but I don’t think it has a higher chance of legendary. It’s not the same for every miniboss.

  2. Chaos Trials themed around particular gods can give you legendaries rather consistently because you start with all/most of the requirement already fulfilled.
    In particular, I got my first Aphro legendary in the second or third encounter of Trial of Heartache (you have all required boons and all boons are Aphro or Hermes).
    Didn't really help to clear the trial itself though… I'm bad ^^'

  3. Maybe it will change after updates, but the Chaos Trials helped me cross off a ton of the Legendaries and Duos from the Fated List. I wished I'd realised this earlier to lose them on purpose and replay them to farm them (for example, the Aphrodite Legendary can be easily obtained from the Trial based around her boons, but it's not guaranteed!). The Vow of Forsaking also helped me a lot with that before they patched it out, like you explained at the beginning of the video.
    I'm waiting for updates before I run Olympus again, and then I'll try to get the last couple of Legendaries and Duos the way you explain here!

  4. You can roll the same reward on multiple doors, Hades 2 does not appear to have the same limitation as Hades 1 at all.

    The Fields is a special case, even though you can get the same reward on both doors, a reward can only show up once on the 2 or 3 rewards for multi-reward rooms. That is to say, both exits can show a pom as one of the rewards, but each door can only show one pom.

  5. 7:45 Well this zone only has 1 shop, so you spend less money. Sure, there are the Hermes shrines, but those aren't guaranteed, and they come at a discount if you don't want to get rush delivery.

  6. You can roll the wheel as others mentioned. It doesn't always work though. I once rerolled Hestia into a Heart, back into Hestia into Hestia again, into Hestia again. Not entirely sure what happened.

  7. Question. I know theres a check with Vow of Forsaken, but is there a check without that on or are you guaranteed to get legendary or duos assuming you can get enough boons to get every other boon for that god?( i know thats probably impossible but in theory)

  8. Any chance we could get the Hades 2 vods on the vod channel too? I have been watching some of the ones from the beginning of early access on Twitch and it was enjoyable seeing your unedited first reactions, but the Twitch interface for vods is not good!

  9. This worked out perfectly! I was already sold and learned a lot just from the strat in the first area. I woulda been fine even if you didn't get it. But by NOT getting the legendary early you were able to run through all the other scenarios instead of…welp, we're done!

  10. i used to love the dual daggers, but i will state. i think they are the worst weapon in the game rofl. its the only 24 fear that i havent done because how it acts. its special locks you in place (cant dodge out of it) and its attack is so upclose even after widening its attack with water, solar, etc. it still just is a piece of trash. its great for 0 fear tho. VERY fast for that.

  11. Can you do an attack run with the daggers. You had the perfect setup with secret crush, the Zeus prime, and final slice. You don’t have too because I get you like the omega special, but even this run got turned into on with a good attack build setup.

    Edit: also igneous strike


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