Eurydice Song 1 Hour Loop Hades VOSTFR

Eurydice was the wife of musician Orpheus, who loved her dearly; on their wedding day, he played joyful songs as his bride danced through the meadow. One day, Aristaeus saw and pursued Eurydice, who stepped on a viper, was bitten, and died instantly. Distraught, Orpheus played and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and deities wept and told him to travel to the Underworld to retrieve her, which he gladly did. After his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone, his singing so sweet that even the Erinyes wept, he was allowed to take her back to the world of the living. In another version, Orpheus played his lyre to put Cerberus, the guardian of Hades, to sleep, after which Eurydice was allowed to return with Orpheus to the world of the living. Either way, the condition was attached that he must walk in front of her and not look back until both had reached the upper world. Soon he began to doubt that she was there, suspecting that Hades had deceived him. Just as he reached the portals of Hades and daylight, he turned around to gaze on her face, and because Eurydice had not yet crossed the threshold, she vanished back into the Underworld.

Compagne fidèle d’Orphée, grand poète et musicien, elle est poursuivie par Aristée le jour de ses noces. En tentant de fuir, elle est mordue par un serpent et meurt. Inconsolable, Orphée entonne une complainte. Émus, les dieux lui accordent de descendre jusqu’aux Enfers pour la sauver.

Grâce au son de sa lyre, Orphée endort Cerbère, le chien des Enfers, puis il arrive devant les monarques du monde souterrain, Hadès et sa femme Perséphone. Impressionnée par son courage et son amour, Perséphone prie Hadès de rendre Eurydice à son mari. Hadès accepte, à la seule condition qu’Orphée ne se retourne pas avant d’être sorti des Enfers.

Eurydice suit Orphée, guidée par la musique de sa lyre. Lorsqu’Orphée voit poindre à nouveau la lumière du jour, n’entendant aucun bruit, et se méfiant un peu des promesses d’Hadès, il se retourne pour voir si son épouse est toujours derrière lui. Hélas, un seul coup d’œil suffit pour qu’il la perde pour toujours, Eurydice est happée par le séjour des morts.

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Orochima 😁

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#EurydiceSong #Hades


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