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Second comment, can I get a wassup?
Every time I think I’m finished with Hades here goes a video to pull me back in
Man I'd love to see them add a new god. Apollo for example. He was the god of prophecy, music and the sun (and a few other things). So he could be a fire/light/prophecy themed god. Also of archery but we have artemis for that.
Hera was just the goddess of women and marriage so not sure what theme would work there given we have aphrodite already.
Hephaestus could be interesting as well with the fire/forge theme.
There's definitely room for a light/fire/musical themed god like Apollo and he's the only well known god other than Hera left. He could have a blind/burn status effect, an awesome sun nova call or cast doing massive instant aoe damage. Maybe the burn could be a stackable "increased damage taken" debuff with a small dot component. For prophecy theme his legendary could allow you to choose your next few boons and hammers from the entire list of potential takes and not just 3.
The duo combos are endless too.
These are pretty lame and sub-stsndard ideas I bet the devs could do an awesome job though. I'd be down for a musical themed god too.