FIRE WALK WITH ME: Scorch TOPPING the charts! | Hades 2

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35 thoughts on “FIRE WALK WITH ME: Scorch TOPPING the charts! | Hades 2”

  1. My favorite thing about selling boons was getting a duo i didnt need and selling it for 400ish gold. Was extra helpful for buying stuff at the final shop.

  2. The biggest change that I think they missed in the update was changing the Demeter/Poseidon duo. When a duo is just a buffed mirror upgrade from Hades 1, it is just not gonna be that interesting.

  3. I just did a "maximum health" run with Melinoe's axe, Demetr and Afro duo and all that things like incantation and chaos boons. Max health in the end was 554, Chronos does 999 dmg with his ultimate at second phaze, i wonder if u can tank it with just health…maybe a video idea?

  4. I mean, It's not like you need a lot of stars to level up Lunar Ray. With Selene's trinket you can probably get to its ultimate (if it's there, which is the hard part, I guess) in one upgrade, and there's a good chance you'll end up taking most of its relevant minor upgrades on the way there – various "less recharge" (after this patch), "damage while it's recharging" etc. aren't really relevant if you actually going to use the ray.

  5. I thought that since they removed fire extinguisher I will hate Hestia but as it turns out if you add something that accelerates her DOT AND said DOT deals way more dmg it's actually pretty fun.

  6. I got Hestia's Legendary and Beach Ball on the same run, it was pretty funny having the sprint simultaneously create fire on the ground with a ball of water following behind.

  7. Scorch seems quite practical at the moment in high fear actually, I have a 50F Artemis run up that uses Scorch on the attack.
    It might just be the engagement ring effect making it super strong at the moment, but it feels good enough to hold its own regardless

  8. I think if they add extreme measures for chronos, they could do a lot more with the 'control time' aspect. Stupid stuff like constantly restarting a phase, adding delay to player controls, spawing minions with timers instead of health bars, or even slowing down the game and turning it into a bullet hell for a phase. There's so many ideas, and I feel like they could go all-out on difficulty since it's supposed to make it difficult and is completely optional.

  9. If Chronos have a third or fourth phase, one thing got me thinking. What if he starts erasing the boons that you get in the run, from last to first, like 1 boons each 30 seconds or something, rewinding time.

  10. Hey Haelian (Dan), love your content. Dont feel so lonely while I work from home. Hope you continue uploading the vods too. I do watch them haha. I would love to join the streams but the time is prohibitive since i live on the other side of the world.

  11. Considering the length of the whole run and your final scorch number, you were doing an average of 80dps on scorch alone for the duration of the run (yes, I know, napkin math, it includes dead time etc). Still an exorbitantly impressive number! Go go Auntie Rangers!


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