Gain | Hades #3

Heyo again. Seems like every day I am complaining about audio but worry yourself not, for my audio concerns will never end.

I messed with an audio setting I probably shouldn’t have: in testing I thought I sounded ‘clearer’, and I was genuinely clearer when I speak quietly (like I prefer to do). However, when recording Hades because there’s a lot of loudness I find myself speaking louder to ‘beat it’, and thus I end up speaking too loudly. If you imagine louder audio as reaching higher and higher heights, I have an artificial limiter (or barrier) preventing the heights from actually being recorded: this is normally to avoid “spikes” due to certain sounds, but because the setting increased the loudness, my ‘regular loud speak’ ended up having it’s high-frequencies hit, retaining only the lower and deeper frequencies, where before it wasn’t.

I presume the fix for this is to just reduce the gain, but I hope it’s not too bad. I’m still pretty new to this stuff (especially recording ‘live’), so bear with me while I still learn. Still enjoying the fuck out of Hades. Sticking to one episode a day might be too little.

I do want some feedback regarding the Codex reading. Lemme know if you guys want it or not.

In 2 hours Episode 4 will be released. The plan was 1 every 24 hours but this episode is coming out early for 2 reasons:
– The format is *slightly* different, and I want some feedback regarding preferences, especially within a run.
– Hades is too fun to only play for 1 hour a day.


2 thoughts on “Gain | Hades #3”

  1. With regards to codex reading, I'm not sure you need to read every part of the whole thing, but if you read the stuff off camera and shared the highlights that might be cool, in general I dont mind all the menus as you call them. As it turns out those menus are a pretty interesting part of the game that also include interesting decision points (and cool character dialiogue, which I'm a sucker for) so I wouldn't worry so much about spending time "not playing the game" because those menus are part of the game!


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