God's Duo | Hades #5

Today I thought I’d play Hades given that every time I open my Steam library I am guilted into looking at it with all of its many shiny video game awards and its many shiny reviews, so here it is.

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#Hades #SpikeTraps #PettheDog


36 thoughts on “God's Duo | Hades #5”

  1. Posting on this video again but most of the alternate upgrades on the mirror aren't great, especially the resurrection per room, and you don't actually have them unlocked yet though you have chosen some.

  2. I’m not sure what the binds are on controller, but you can press b on keyboard to see your current build. It can be helpful to check for chaos boon effects or to see info on your boons that you may have forgotten 🙂

  3. Do swap back to the revive once per run instead of the not yet bought revive once per room, better something less then nothing at all and right now I am not sure if you get that revive that you could have.

  4. Picked this game up after episode 1 and loving it. Your missing out on your first version of auto respawn, definitely sleeping on the casts, and just for you 1 of aphrodites upgrades reduces trap damage by 90%

  5. I think now I understand where stupid jokes about brainless youtubers came from. You switched talents in the mirror but didn't invest anything in them and the whole video was whining that these talents don't do anything.

  6. I'm just guessing that those thirty minutes would have been better for sleeping instead of recording the episode. You are very inattentive and your reaction has worsened, you need to sleep.

  7. Its worth keeping in mind that your attacks (and most of your damaging effects) clear projectiles even without a deflection boon. This is the main use of the bow special early on and a pretty good way to use the sword special when you feel you need to create some room.
    Also attacks stun unarmoured enemies for a short time so getting close to enemies to use quicker attacks and keeping them stunlocked is often actually safer than staying at range.
    really enjoying watching this series, and hey it seems pretty chill to make compered to god-knows-how-many-mods-rimworld so i'm sure you aren't complaining.

  8. Hey mr Streamer until you unlock stubborn defiance (res once per chamber) you should keep the normal death defiance (one res per run) on since you have a level in it

  9. Stubborn Defiance is a noob trap. Death Defiance is way better. It gives you multiple resets for difficult fights where you really need it, whereas Stubborn Defiance offers only one, in rooms 90% of which where you often don't need it at all.

  10. It's sort of ok to main an attack or special, especially depending on boons and weapon combo, but its imperative that you start to use cast against larger enemies for the extra 50% damage.

    In general however, a weapon's special a compliment not a replacement for the primary attack. The attack allows you to dash around, get behind foes, and most importantly both in the form of dash strike. It can also have special functions when charged, so you are missing out on huge versatility by ignoring it, even/especially on the spear. Also, something that you need to get the hang of soon is trying to stack 2 status effects. That will almost always require a combo of your attack/special/cast/dash hitting with different gods' boons. Per the mirror, the damage bonuses available, taken more or less as baseline abilities:
    *Shadow Presence*: +50% from behind,
    *Privileged Status*: +40% on any target with two status effects (prioritise getting this imho), and
    *Boiling Blood*: +50% against any target containing a bloodstone (red gem).

    Having said all that, I want to be clear that I think you are doing really well for going in blind, and I'm thoroughly enjoying this series! Hell its even got witches! Looking forward to more, assuming you continue to enjoy it.

    PS: There is something the game never really tells you that I didn't realise for far too long: mid run there is a Boon screen that allows you to mouse over your boons and items and see descriptions. Being like you and often immediately forgetting which Chaos boon I picked, this is a good way to quickly check. It's back/select iirc.

  11. Try the Shield, it's my favorite weapon, its special you throw the shield and it bounces between enemies and the enviroment, this combined with Ares Doom ability is the best combo i've found so far.

  12. Mr streamer has the issac habit of using only one attack, attacks can be smoothly comboed and somtimes cancel into each other for more dps/utility for example bow special is better to use in close quarters and spear is better with regular attacks up close.

  13. Advice for the next run: Get a decent cast. Artimes, Athena, Posideon, Zeus, anything that has range and projectile speed. Range is a weakness for the sword. Hermes boons might be good too for the mobility

  14. Spend the 10 keys to unlock more skills in mirror. One of them is starting max health!

    Also found a really cool haephastus (I think) mod where you have -60% health, but heal on each hit, most successful run by MILES.

    Keep up the second channel goodness!


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