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#haelian #roguelike #gaming #hades
I saw spin build and clicked as fast as i could
Never clicked on a video quicker
Guan Yu is finally your bang
I have never managed to master the spear. Tried playing with Achilles following your videos yet only managed to clear only once. Just unlocked Hades & Guan Yu. This video should help.
Yuan Gu Gu go Spin Spin
"Hold my spear" 🤨
Question: Can you still get 'perfect clear' if you got hurt and healed using Guan Yu spin during dads fight?
Haelian doing a mocking impression of himself is what I needed to wake up this morning XD
No way, another camping with Steve viewer!!
14:18 wtf was that blood screen?
15:06 does Poppt1 watch Haelian streams? He's just like us fr
Soooooo how about a run with a limited amount of dashes :)? Like a couple hundred for the entire run 🙂
Another Haelian video, this time with special guest Squeaky Voiced Teen from The Simpsons at 9:46 XD
i think i might have slept through this one on the stream
HELL YEAH! CAMPING w/ STEVE SHOUT OUT! Steve is such a sweet guy!
All the RV discussion reminds me of a quote: “the two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell the damn thing”
Juan Yu is a based individual.
going for ares artemis athena and then not getting hunting blades or merciful end >__>
Came for the gameplay, stayed for the commentary on van life
"they always say guan yu, but what abut guan me?" – Dan, 2023
I was just using Guan Yu the other day and I was like "this feels awful," but now the king of making it work can show me the way
I have a soft spot for guan yu, its really tricky to get down, but with a good spin build, can make you pretty tanky
Guan Yu was my 2nd ever clear and I got the massive + quick spin hammers making me almost immortal until Hades. I proceeded to cower behind the 2 pillars as much as I could and win through attrition. And yes, bigger spin = more damage from the simple fact that bigger spin = more hits. Especially when you're cowering behind a giant pillar.
I was probably recommended camping with Steve from being your subscriber lol been watching for about a year, a little while before his wife passed away.
Never would have thought I would hear a Camping with Steve reference on a Haelian video. Like Dan said, Steve is just a goofy, wholesome dude trying to camp in as many creative/stealthy ways as he can. He's definitely worth a watch.
P.S. I'm awful with Guan Yu, I just cant seem to get the rhythm of it down.
Dude, asking the landlord to do something 4 times and then still doing it yourself anyway hits way closer to home than I’d like lol
if someone says guan yu sucks just show them a charged skewer run
Deflecto Discs! I commented about this a couple years ago! We finally see the power in action 🪞
I came here for Guan Yu and walked away an RV expert!
Guan Yu isn't bad, it's just kinda boring. Which is sad because I really like the self healing mechanic.
Thank you so much for this I don’t know if you remember me but I asked you for this in your comments the other day