Hades – #18 – WHAT


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Crispy Crimson” by Stemage

#PlayFrame #Hades


44 thoughts on “Hades – #18 – WHAT”

  1. I too first beat hades with my least favorite weapon though for me it was the shield. In fact right now I've cleared it with everything but the spear which is my favorite mainly because it hasn't been hungry in ages.

  2. A similar thing happened to me the first time I managed to beat Hades, hahaha. While it was not the machine gun, I also only managed to beat him for the first time with my least favorite weapon (at the time), the shield. I now defeated him two more times, both with the bow, while not managing to do it even once with my actual favorites, the spear and the fists. It is such a joy to watch you play, Dan! Keep this series going, it's very fun and helps me a lot at a time where I really need it. Thank you for it!

  3. There's a funny dissonance seeing Dan play so carefully with his rapid 3 shot rocket launcher. Whenever I get the three shot hammer I just mash the button every attack to max out my damage, even when it's with the normal special and it makes more sense to spread them out.

  4. It seems the upgrade to increase your damage per Olympian you have their boons of is better since you are more likely to have multiple olympians rather than be applying multiple status effects. to apply multiple statuses you most likely need multiple olympians anyway. Also, Athena is a good one to go for from what i hear, since deflection is very powerful, especially in Elysium. And Ambrosia is going to be used for character relationship advancements (not a spoiler, its in some of the item descriptions). Also, after you get the keepsakes from everyone nectar is still useful since giving a second one (and third and so forth) is how you advance you relationship/stories with the various NPCs, just a heads up. And Chaos boons don't count for things that upgrade boons.

  5. Hi Dan this pretty much just my thing, but I would recommend to focus the green Hydra heads first, because they spawn new creeps, which at least for now is quite a pain in the butt.
    All heads:
    orange : spit magma – restricts your movement
    green : spawns enemies
    purple : shoots 'spikes' and 'soundwaves'
    blue : meele

  6. Oh and one more piece of advice, look into your fated prophecies for ways to get things like keys without having to spend a hundred runs choosing them instead of cooler stuff only to discover doing 'so and so' activity has given you 40 keys when you don't need them…that's what happened to me 😛

  7. Oh! Last thing, the rooms on the final floor do give stronger rewards. So money rooms can be 150-200 and poms level a skill twice. The more expensive items in the shop on the final floor are the same too. A more expensive boon will be rarer and a more expensive pom will give more levels etc…

  8. So firstly, great job getting out! I absolutely want to see you keep playing. I also made my first escape with Exagryph and I was also surprised that that happened. Secondly, read the Stranger's journal entry! It is the start of a really cool thing!

  9. Hello, I don't usually comment, but here are some tips I can give you from my play-time:
    – You seem to forget that you can double-dash. For a while you also seemed to have forgotten that you had 3 rockets too haha 😀
    – Athena has 2(?) boons that return you Death Defiance. Oh wait, you just noticed that now. Nevermind. You came upon it earlier but stopped reading right before the "Replenishes 1 use" part haha!
    – Athena's dash will usually be a good pick. Unless there's a legendary or a death defy returned, it will most likely be the best pick.
    – Hurting unarmored satyrs ( the poison dart spitting dudes) interrupts them. Same with most unarmored enemies (the crystal laser snakes for instance) . Rats however will sometimes "bleed poison" when hurt.
    – This is a personal preference of mine, but I usually only go for poms over darkness / gems ( because I don't really need those anymore). Money can get you poms, but it can also get you boons and health.
    – Most times you have 10-13 chambers in any area. You can check where you're at if you push the "boons list" button, on the top right corner, so you can check if this charon will be the last one before a boss.
    – On Hades's second life, his earlier lasers will turn pretty slowly so with a fast weapon you can deal decent damage while he's firing it at you if you keep dashing around him. Be careful of the 360º lasers tho.
    – You can recover all the darkness you spent in the mirror by using a key (on the bottom of the mirror) That way you can try different things without losing "potency".
    – The exagryph's default aspect is a good target for blood. The fists' second aspect, magnetic cutter, is pretty good.
    That's about it. The alternate mirror power that you now have that gives you 3 health per chamber seems more useful to me, especially if you keep getting the darkness from bosses. It can give you a bunch of health from ending bosses, and from darkness treasure troves,
    I hope this helps 🙂

  10. "Damage striking undamaged foes" is really good on builds that do high single-time damage. It's a % increase, so higher numbers to multiply are good, and it'll often take you from "I can almost kill this in one hit" to actually killing things in one hit. Which means your next rocket can hit (and likely kill) the next thing in line.

    Basically, look at "Damage increase against undamaged foes" as just a straight up % damage increase when you have a high output weapon like rockets or even certain Bow builds.

  11. 2:26 Dark Foresight is to increase the chance of things that will only help you in the CURRENT run with are denoted by the gold reef around the room reward orb.
    5:01 Ew. I feel Heista Aspect is the worst of the guns imo for that very reason… reloading after every shot is very slow. Eris Aspect is a better choice as it's easy to pull off without the slowdown.
    43:58 You really SHOULD buy resources from the pool when able as room rewards only give 5 and the pool will have at least 10.
    1:01:57 Surprisingly, taking the boss fights are usually a shorter fight than dealing with a standard room. They are just more intimidating. Kinda true about most midboss and boss fights; they look more intimidating than they actually are. Maybe because they are set pieces rather than waves of enemies.

    I find it a little amusing that he still worries about which is better. This is a game where you can max out everything eventually, so there's no real need to overthink it. As this is pretty much his first experience with it, there's little chance that he can play this game optimally in any case.

  12. Congratulations Dan, however, you missed the sunrise. In Greece if you walk over to the edge of the cliff by the lone tree, you can watch the sunrise. Also, you can reveal the name of the unknown NPC in Elysium via journal section Others of Interest. You could have done this as early as the first time you talk to him.

  13. 1:15:45 The burning skulls that Hades shoots act similarly to Zagreus's bloodstones/casts. If it hits, Zagreus will be affected by "Boiling Blood" (taking more damage in turn). The Burning Skull will also detach from Zagreus and explode within a few seconds. If the skulls are not destroyed by the end of their 5 second countdown, a wave will emit from it and inflict the Boiling Blood effect on contact.

  14. Honestly, the thing I feel bad most about with Dan's run is how it compares with my Early Access experience. They hadn't released the ending yet, so there was a lot more time to farm and complete all the side stories before ever getting to this point. Dan's barely even discovered that there might possibly be side stories, and I don't think he's given anyone a second Nectar yet, let alone finished a track.

    Not really sure how I feel about the difference in pacing, as a result.

  15. so thats how it goes interesting, oh wait. the legend of persephone is that a she ate a pomegranate seed and had to go back to hades every half year, if you dont eat a pom would you be able to leave for good.

  16. Dan: Almost done with Elysium at full DDs and more than 50% health with a killer combo going

    Also Dan: Could be going better, but could be going worse.

    Will anything convince him that the build is good? Stay tuned.

  17. I know you've recorded beyond this by now, but just in case you haven't done it yet. The Erebus Gateway upgrade doesn't become useful unless you run with at least 5 heat. So use your diamonds for other things until you're ready for much harder runs.

  18. I don't get why Eurydice is upset with Orpheus? I mean from what she said it seems she didn't like it that he tried to save her from the underworld and getting hemself killed in the process, shouldn't she be like thankful or atleast appreciate him more instead of mad at him, I mean the guy is not even a fighter but he gave his life to try to save her, he failed yes but shouldn't his intentions count for something. Unless I'm missing something she should be like nicer to him

  19. For the record Dan regarding Eurydice boons, pom porridge seems in my opinion the best choice almost always, since it means getting like 4 poms for free while the other two seem to give less rewards atleast that's how I see it.

  20. Took me 30 runs to beat Dad, think Dan will beat me to that. Hopefully the playthrough lasts long enough so he can beat him a few times, but either way it's been a fun watch. idk if he'll play enough to win 10 times, but I hope he plays long enough to "barrow" from Charon XD

    Didn't know it'd be this run, haha, but that ending still managed to get me to tear up.


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