Only 2 bosses in the surface area for now it seems
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Yo the Hera and Apollo dou boon looks super cool
For those new to Hades: The build Eris uses in her fight is a souped-up version of a real build you can use in the first game called Hazard Eris. It relies on using an aspect that requires you to stand in the blast radius of your special to do more base damage for a short time, and combining it with a hammer ability that triples the damage of your special… while also making you not immune to the damage it deals.
In other words, Eris is using her own troll build to kick you to the curb, because of course she is.
Wow… Herc is such a jerk.
19:04 When I thought Charon couldn´t be any cooler, I discover he´s got a bloody ship!
I'm somewhat liking how Eris is portrayed as if she's this troublemaking brat in the family.
I mean, knowing her story, especially in Peleus and Thetis's wedding incident, yeah. This is the child that everyone excluded and act up for attention.