Hades 2 | Why You're Not Doing Enough Damage Guide

I saw a LOT of Negative Steam reviews complaining about lack of damage. Even though this is a roguelite game and you should be getting stronger over time, there are a few details that you can miss that can be a huge difference in your damage.

See runs like this LIVE over on my twitch stream 🎮 https://www.twitch.tv/veedotme
Hades 2 is FINALLY out in Early Access. Every run sticks my 9/10 rating even harder so far!

About the Game:
The first-ever sequel from Supergiant Games builds on the best aspects of the original god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler in an all-new, action-packed, endlessly replayable experience rooted in the Underworld of Greek myth and its deep connections to the dawn of witchcraft.
As the immortal Princess of the Underworld, you’ll explore a bigger, deeper mythic world, vanquishing the forces of the Titan of Time with the full might of Olympus behind you, in a sweeping story that continually unfolds through your every setback and accomplishment.
Infuse your legendary weapons of Night with ancient magick, so that none may stand in your way. Become stronger still with powerful Boons from more than a dozen Olympian gods, from Apollo to Zeus. There are nearly limitless ways to build your abilities.
#veedotme #hades2

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Squirrel412, NonsenseSynapse, Jaime M., SlimyYy, Pun C., infected_f00d, Jake H., xfoolish1x, turkeyman
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13 thoughts on “Hades 2 | Why You're Not Doing Enough Damage Guide”

  1. This is my first ever guide for Hades (1 or 2) so I hope you all enjoy. If you have any tips that I didn't cover in the video, post them below for everyone else 👇🏾

  2. So, I wanted to commend you on something, thanks for taking the time to edit the video so you wouldn't spoil conversations with characters (Chaos), even if the game has been out for some weeks already. I haven't been checking videos out for Hades II because I wanted to experience most of it myself, even if I'll inevitably catch some spoilers. This video was great in that regard for newcomers to the game <3

  3. Okay just after my other comment… What you say at min 11:20 is a bit deceiving, that Boon affects Attacks, and the clip afterwards shows an Special, so it wouldn't be affected x)

    Also sadly, what the clip at min 12:50 shows, is unobtainable by standard means, since it would require hitting an anvil at last shop that removes the correct hammer, and casually gives the other two necessary ones for this combo (it's a setup from a chaos trial, but you can't get more than 2 daedalus hammers in a run without certain keepsake)

  4. I sometimes forget that this game is in early access. It already has the same amount of content than hades 1 if not more. The weapons feel so much more fun and complex than those from the first game, the boss fights are amazing and the biomes feel really different from each other. I'm excited to see where this game will be a year from now

  5. Though it may not be appropriate for a beginner-ish guide like this, I would have loved a breakdown of some prominent multiplicative vs additive damage sources, and how to tell them apart. Could be a part 2 to this guide with some build examples.

  6. My issue with hades has always been that it punishes you early on for playing well. Since progression is determined by number of runs, and required to unlock mechanics that give you more power, a skilled player will actually take much longer to unlock the systems needed to win. Add Eris enemy buff on top of that and you really smack skilled players in the face in the early game. This really deterred me from progression. Now that I’ve unlocked all the systems, just like the original hades, it’s become far too easy to consistently get the busted builds I want to get a win. I beat Chronos +Eris within 30 runs or so (several being cursed surface runs) and I’m already pretty bored. Scylla boss fight is one of the best boss fights in any game though, I’ll give it that


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