Hades 2 – Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

Just starting out in Hades 2…or are you already well on your way to mastering time and defeating Chronos? Well never fear, your friends at Legacy Gaming have tons of tricks to help you take on the the titan of time and reclaim the underworld. Codiak shares his favorite tips and tricks that will help you understand the game and set you on the right path to surviving in Supergiant’s new action roguelite game, Hades 2.

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Song: John Kenza – Wicked [NCS Release]
Song: Phantom Sage – When I’m Gone [NCS Release]
Song: TARI & Yix – Bliss [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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23 thoughts on “Hades 2 – Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players”

  1. I just learned how to increase grasp 5 minutes ago. Hover over your character image when picking your arcana cards and you can upgrade it.

    Thought maybe other people felt dumb not knowing that, but maybe it was just me.

  2. Here's a few more, pin me πŸ˜€

    – Yellow enemies can't be staggered BUT.. you can freeze them :)))
    – Narci will/can give you defiance refresh.
    – besides the bubbles, there's a boon that gives you mana/mp refresh per second.
    – If you want an early defiance, give the skull boi a nectar.
    – Want an op weapon? collect 15 silvers as early as you can and get the axe.
    – Once you have familiars and I know a lot of you doesn't read descriptions. the Frog can block projectiles, even Hecate's Hex.
    – Speaking of Hecate's hex, you can dodge that, dodge it forward when its coming to you, then just back and forth, it will disappear after some time, just be careful with her AOE attacks.
    – Use your mana/mp, it refreshes every encounter, no need to save it.
    – There's a way to get rid of boons but depending on RNG, and that is by trading with Nemesis.
    – Hate projectiles? get the fire sprint from Hestia, you won't get hit by projectiles while sprinting (most of it)
    – Artemis will sometimes help you in battle, let her snipe whatever she wants, she deals 3000 damage, don't waste your time damaging – whatever she's targeting (unless if she misses).
    – Same for Nemesis, if you're running low on HP and she challenges you to "who kills the most wins", just let her kill the enemies and lose that bet, it's a free encounter at that point, go hide.
    – Dash can go through projectiles, waves included, just dodge forwards. (For new ones or those who haven't realized it)
    – Echo will replaced all your SPENT defiance for something similar but only recovers 50 HP.
    – The bath WILL forward time, so if you're waiting for Charon's shipment or your plants, thats a good way to quickly get those.

  3. Pretty much every NPC will give you a keepsake the first time you give them a nectar. At the crossroads this is; Dora, Hecate, Odysseus, Nemesis, Skellemeus, and Moros.

    Each of the gods will also give you a keepsake if you give them a nectar as well.
    – About half of these are ones that will make their boon "more likely to appear" (I found this often means they show up as the first boon of that run); Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia, Hephaestus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Demeter
    – The other half don't abide by that and have unique boons; Hermes, Artemis, Selene all have unique keepsakes.

    Once you get the incantation to get the Wretched Broker to show up at the Crossroads, he will always sell one nectar every "run". It is pretty much always worth it to grab this as it just means a new keepsake if you encounter someone you haven't gifted it too yet.

  4. Moon Water is the best ability in the entire game. ESPECIALLY if you get the upgrade that lets you stack more uses with each fountain. That's how I was able to carry THIRTEEN STACKS of Moon Water into the final boss fight. I took over 800 damage throughout the fight, even though I only had 150 max hp. That's how I beat Chronos on my third time fighting him.

  5. I feel like Hades 2 is a lot harder, becouse the Arcana seem to be a lot weaker then the fully maxes out mirror was in Hades 1 especially you can't just equip all the arcanas, In Hades 1 you could unlock 3 Death Defiences, start with I think it was like 100HP, a lot of other thigngs and most importantly get a second dash. The lack of a second dash makes doging in hades 2 orders of magnitude harder then in hades one and the lack of other upgrades makes everything way harder.

  6. Great game, so far found some great synergies. Best is obviously Twin Sisters Blades, pretty easy to rank it up quickly for that back stab damage, combine with 4 seconds of slow time while channeling and was easily able to kill Chronos on my 23rd run. Pretty much just need Flutter strike from Aphrodite, which you can easily get and upgrade from her charm by giving her a nectar. Then just grab any hammer that boost backstab or omega attacks, like the 400% explosion backstab that will scale from all the other multipliers, making it hit for 1k+ fairly easy, all while slowing time.

  7. It's like Hades except the story isn't as interesting, the characters aren't as well written, the environments offer nothing new, and the weapons are way less fun.


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