HADES – 26th Escape, Demeter Acknowledges her Grandson

I was most looking forward to seeing Demeter’s reaction to seeing her daughter again and finding out that our friend Zag is her grandson all along…

…not even a conversation, what the hell Supergiant???


9 thoughts on “HADES – 26th Escape, Demeter Acknowledges her Grandson”

  1. "…not even a conversation, what the hell Supergiant???"

    At the beginning of the game, it's vaguely explained that the whole boon accepting and gift giving 'portal' doesn't allow for extended conversation. Or something.

    Presumably, Demeter and Zag already had a face-to-face conversation during the off-screen epilogue.

  2. She was so happy just to realize her daughter is there, but also has a grandson! Baaaw…

    Also, Grandma Demeter's boons are INSANELY GOOD like damn aside from Artemis, hers is the ones I hope RNG will give me.


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