Hades 2's Dynamic Music (Scylla and the Sirens)

I like the siren lady from Hades 2. Like a lot. Watch this video with headphones because it’s about MUSIC!

Music used:
Coral Crown – Hades 2
I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown You to Death) – Hades 2
Song of the Sirens – Hades 2
Song of the Deep – Hades 2
Death to Chronos – Hades 2
Battle Hub Main Menu – Street Fighter 6
Peace of Mind – Neon White
Water Surface – Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Lo-fi Civilization – Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes


33 thoughts on “Hades 2's Dynamic Music (Scylla and the Sirens)”

  1. Another game that has excellent dynamic music is Doom 2016. Mick Gordon has talked about how he had to create transition points in every track that could seamlessly move you in and out of combat. The music is one of my favorite parts of that game.

  2. I love how diegetic supergiant make a lot of their music, this is the most extreme example, but things like the vocal tracks in transistor being songs written by the protagonist red before the game began, or how the songs in pyre are sung by the twon minstrels who write the credits theme based on the choices you make in the story.

  3. I think Scylla is right tho, she isn't a Clam. She is an Oyster, I am no bio major, but the Pearl aspect would make line up.
    At least think… I'm spit balling. SuperGiant is very meticulous.

  4. I am really hoping that the community will end up referring to Scylla and the Siren fans as "Guppies" instead of Groupies. Anyone else notice that for the final push of her battle, her 'guppies' rush the stage in an attempt to stop you?

  5. Great video!
    Just an addition

    As you progress trough the game you Discovers that Odysseus is suffering from abstinence. Mellinoe thinks thats due to his separation to his family, but Odysseus actually tells that he misses Scyllas songs LMAO
    So its lore accurate to say that Scyllas and The Sirens are a success even among heroes

  6. The fight against Scylla has a mind-numbing amount of detail. Like, I'm fairly certain they animated Roxy playing the drums appropriately to the songs instead of just hammering them randomly. But it's hard to tell with all the activity going on.

  7. You know what would be funny, if they had a break up and you have to go through the different places with water like a fountain room, to try and get the band back together and that unlocks their Uber mode fight.


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