[Hades] – 32 Heat Clear! (Stygius – Aspect of Arthur)

Man that was a fun game. Quite difficult starting off but gets easier after that first clear. This run showcases a 32 heat clear, which is the highest heat that gives any sort of in game “reward”. I had fun with this trying to figure out what worked best for me, and somehow that ended up being max movement speed and max tight deadline for one of the slowest weapons…but it worked 😀 Probably could have exchanged the movement speed for removing the mirror of night talents, but this was what worked for me. With the slow Aspect of Arthur and a 5 minute deadline per region, it would have been rough to add jury summons or increased health, as those are annoying heats to deal with. All in all I’m very happy with this run, and it was even close to my fastest sword run of 13 minutes after the time of recording.

My first clear was actually with the spear, and I thought that was what I’d be doing 32 heat with as I had done almost 10 runs in a row with it, but after I unlocked the Aspect of Arthur and tried it out, there was not much going back for me lol

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