A bullet-hell game that Mike should, by all accounts, dislike. And yet…

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24 thoughts on “HADES”

  1. Mike: "Hades, Satan, same thing."
    Zach: "No they're NOT!"

    Another reason I love Zach. He's absolutely right.
    BIIIG differences between them. Which I won't go into.
    If you would like to know more, visit your local library.

    The more you know 🌈

  2. Few Hades pointers:
    Get the prophesies completed. Some are very time consuming, but others can be done quite quick and usually they pay off rather well. For instance the one that asks to pick the main gifts for each god. It even show you which gift you have not picked at the selection. It would have a small scroll on the left corner above the name.
    Use different weapons, not just the one you like the most. When the weapon glow purple it's time to do a run with that one. It will give you extra purple stones.

    Also each weapon has aspects. You can view them by selecting the weapon again. To unlock and upgrade them you use Titan Blood. One you have invested atleast 5 Titan Blood on a weapon, by unlocking Aspects or upgrading them you may get a special cutscene from certain character that unlocks the 4th hidden Aspect. They are really strong and require completely new tactics and mastery.

    For the bow you would need to talk to Artemis. For the spear with Achilles. The sword with Nyx. The fist weapon with Asterius, the minotaur when you meet him for one on one fight. The shield with Chaos. The repeat crossbow with Zeus.

    Now nobody says it but I think having more hearts with the character improves the chance for the pass phrase.

  3. Hades and Satan are both different entities. Hades is the one who handles the people who died and the one who puts them in their place based on what they had done while they were alive. and also Hades is one of the Greek god's who is actually wholesome and hadn't committed atrocities like the rest of his family especially Zeus who can seem to keep it in his pants.

  4. So basically Zach is right, Hades is not at all Satan and he is a very levelheaded god, still can be a jerk tho. Basically Zagreus is tired of his father being a condescending emotionally distant jerk. Meanwhile Hades, a consummate workaholic, is disappointed that his son didn't take to administrative positions like him, combined with actually knowing that the Olympians are fickle, spiteful, and all around terrible company long term.


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