Combining the hours I put in climbing hell mode for this game I put together the ending and epilogue to the game so that you don’t have to reclimb back up 10x just to get it. Only added necessary dialogue from the conversation for ending. Epilogue included so enjoy
Thank you for not talking over this like 99% of other YouTube shitheads that can't shut up.
Thanks a lot for the upload, I wanted to see how the story continues, but didn't have the patience to beat the game so many more times after already doing it in early access. I didn't watch everything though and now I have more drive to finish the game myself.
I'm not crying, someone grew some really potent onions in the gardens of the Underworld.
song in credits is really good wth. Thanks for upload this
Family therapy 101
It's a hell of a story!
Wait why did zag want to get out for the first place? To find his mother? Or to live in the surface? Because if do then that's depressing there isn't any ending for that..
Do you have to do this on hell mode to get the true ending?
It almost funny how much this ending veers from the mood of Greek myth. I don't recall the gods ever behaving so maturely and healthily as a family. I like it though
I'm not crying, you're crying
I like nyx better as a mother for zag. Not that persephone is bad.
If Persephone isn’t with Hades anymore, does that mean their Earth is Winterless?
Edit: Apparently she never reconnected with her mother, so maybe eternal Winter is more accurate.
"Uncle Zeus is glad things didn’t turn out worse for him. I get the sense he acts a bit impulsively at times."
Oh, the stories your father could tell… what about that one time he turned into a sawn… or when he mad that woman fall in love with a bull… frankly half of Greece is probably related to you.
Nyx and Artemis have the same voice actress??? 👁👁
honestly, zagreus' relationship with his dad is kind of endearing at times
What is this
Apollo is not happy that he didn't get a cameo in game and that he never get an invitation.
Thanks. I myself couldn't reach this damned random epilogue after 100+ hours of playtime.
1:16:20 Oh Zagreus… You have no idea how right you are😂
So, wait, the whole pomegranate thing is a rude? Clever, very clever
Cerebus blep for the win…
În which patch the ending was finished?
I'm sure watching her son die over and over right in front of her isn't traumatic at all for Persephone.
Someone get this poor kid a cell phone
Thank you so much for this!!!
I would love if they update the game and have it where you have to fight your way up to Olympus for some reason
Wasnt there also a scene where hades brings zag to the garden for a private conversation where he explains exactly what happened between him and persephone? Cuz i remember seeing that somewhere
I like how the first times he dies on earth they are like: NO MY CHILD/ MOTHERRRR
Then after 3 times: urgh shit ayt see you next time lulw
This is one of the few games in many that I have played that actually made me cry. Bless this game, I hope there's more of it.
How do I make the combined prologue occur?
I love how chill the Olympians were when they found out. They were just like “oh you got eloped with this guy? Cool! Let’s PARTY!” That is a family dynamic I can get behind
Someone knows how to get the epilogue?
55:24 I like how you say WTF when he just lets you go
I mean considering the circumstances of the relationships of several other Olympians (cough cough Zeus cough cough) Hades and Persephone were rather tame in comparison.
Love the boat ride boat back with mom
Y'know Hades, a lot of this crap would've been resolved a lot easier if you just told the kid about this stuff.