Are Artemis’s critical attacks any good? Having a hard time using Artemis boons to create strong builds? How much damage does critical actually do? This video is the Complete Artemis Beginner Guide, covering how Artemis’s boons work, which of her boons you should focus on taking, the best Infernal Arms to use with her, and cover three different build styles to help you reliably escape the underworld and reach the endgame!
Table of Contents
00:00 Video Introduction
01:10 How Does Critical Work?
05:53 Covering Each Of Artemis’ Boons
25:22 Gentle Fist, The Artemis and Talos Gauntlet Build
31:45 War Huntress, The Artemis, Ares, and Chiron Bow Build
37:22 The G.G. E.Z 360 N.S. Git Gud Scrub, Artemis True Shot Build
46:26 A Quick Summary of How to Use Artemis
50:04 Video Outro
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Hades is the new Roguelike game being developed by Supergiant Games. The game is phenomenal, with deep combat systems and classic roguelike elements and I’m here to break them down and serve you the best tips and tricks to help you make the most of your runs.
In this Hades Beginner Guide series I will be creating simple How To videos for players new to the game and just getting started. We will be examining the resources available in Hades, the powers you collect during a run, and the tips and tricks of combat and building successful runs. I break down the Hades game systems into simple beginner tips that new players can use to guide their runs as they learn the game. I hope you find them valuable!
Want to know what the best Hades Beginner Builds are? The best boons for each of the infernal arms? How about what keepsakes you should unlock and level up first? You’ve come to the right place!
Each week I will be releasing Hades Beginner Guides and tips to explain the games systems and how to best reach the end game and enjoy all that Supergiant’s amazing game Hades has to offer!
supporting fire is so much fun, i took it when it spawned while i was using the rail and the sight of using a machinegun with extra arrows flying near you is one of the best sights in Hades, sure i lost to [REDACTED] but during these brief moments, i got to be a walking artillery and it was glorious
I love getting artemis' normal attack crit with aspect of aurther. Most of the time the +200% backstab hammer upgrade appears for me. The nunbers i see on this build omg, the highest i have ever seen was 7k. Its so powerful i could go the entire run without EVER losing 1 death defy
Great videos!
Exit wounds also works great on aspect of Hera from the bow. If you get hermes boon where bloodstones dislodges faster and return automatically then you deal massive amounts of damage while staying relatively safe. I used the artimis cast and the damage was great. If only I could've gotten the fully loaded boon.
I finally made it to the final boss for the first time! Using spear. I've been equipping artemis's keepsake for Tartarus, and Zeus usually for asphodel and having good results with Artemis. Now I need to get better at beating Elysium Champions without blowing all my lives. I have been equipping Tooth for Styx to get one more life.
The first time I reached Hades, I had a Artem is heavy build. Definitely the best damage dealer in the game.I found that she struggles with crowd control though. Especially if using the bow.
Y’all are talking about builds and crit chances, while I’m over here picking Artemis and kicking ass because the power of simping
Just found this game and I love it. 110 runs in with 69 clears.Now I'm just trying to find awesome builds and get gems to buy everything from the house contracter. 👍
Shame this guy stopped making guides, I would have liked to see his Zeus guide.
Supporting fire and lightning with the Zeus shield is so much fun!! It just keeps putting off arrows and absolutely melted anything in it's path!