Tired of Hades Beginner Tips and Tricks that don’t work? Want to be shown how to kill each of the bosses? How about the perfect mirror of night boss killing build? The best boons for escaping the underworld? In this Lets Play I demonstrate 11 Tips and Tricks for Killing Bosses and also cover the specifics of how to defeat each of the legendary beings barring Zagreus’ path. I turn up the pact of punishment and see how far we can make it into the underworld while actively demonstrating the 11 Tips for Killing Bosses that I tout in my latest How To guide! Oh and I also share how to fish in Hades!
Leave any questions about Hades in the comments below and I’ll answer them in my next video!
You can find the Hades how to guide I’m testing in the link below. Click it to learn the specifics of the 11 Spoiler Free Boss Killing Beginner Tips that I use in this Hades Gameplay Guide!
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Hades is the new Roguelike game being developed by Supergiant Games. The game is phenomenal, with deep combat systems and classic roguelike elements and I’m here to break them down and serve you the best tips and tricks to help you make the most of your runs.
In this Hades Beginner Guide series I will be creating simple How To videos for players new to the game and just getting started. We will be examining the resources available in Hades, the powers you collect during a run, and the tips and tricks of combat and building successful runs. I break down the Hades game systems into simple beginner tips that new players can use to guide their runs as they learn the game. I hope you find them valuable!
Want to know what the best Hades Beginner Builds are? The best boons for each of the infernal arms? How about what keepsakes you should unlock and level up first? You’ve come to the right place!
Each week I will be releasing Hades Beginner Guides and tips to explain the games systems and how to best reach the end game and enjoy all that Supergiant’s amazing game Hades has to offer!
So quick question, at what point would you recommend to stop going for resource runs and start going toward boss killing runs if you’re just starting the game?
DUDE! You fished for me!! Naw – thanks man!!!
Really enjoyed this video, more please! Keep up the good work.
nice how you keep it spoiler free for the most part
Dude I love watching these. Your voice is really soothing if that’s not too weird to say lol
Hey, I began playing Hades 5 days back and a friend recommended your channel and wow…watched all your vids. The tips are so helpful. Reached the Final Boss for the first time using the bow with Dionysus special, Athena dash, and Hermes sturdy dash and extra dashes and pomps on special. Was so much fun.! Second try with spear and chill on attack and hammer that increases attack range with a duo and legendary and got the final boss down once but then died. But its so much progress so fast…just cause of ur content. Thank you so much! Liked, Subscribed, and recommended to more. Looking forward to more, cheers!
Is there any particular reason why you didn't get the gold at 11:20 then restore your health for free at the treasure trove? Am I missing something or just a small oversight?
Got around 9 escapes now since i started watching you and i still learn lots from these vids
thanx man 🙂 all Your Hades vids are awesome, keep em comming! Hope Your channel will stay Hades main 🙂
23:06 wtf!
Another absolute banger 🙏🏼 finally got my first clear thanks to you.
Really high quality, almost didn't believe you had under 10K
47:26 Spear maybe xD ?
Question: Does Butterfly bonus stay if you change it to another item ?