Hades – Dad wants to go fishing & unlocking something new after beating the game for the 100th time.

I kinda was hoping that I was done with the furniture 😫


23 thoughts on “Hades – Dad wants to go fishing & unlocking something new after beating the game for the 100th time.”

  1. I wonder what the end game of decorating will be. I also wonder what the true 100% of the game will end up being. Probably something the vast majority of the playerbase will never experience first-hand, but we have people like you to show us what comes from the tedious, never ending work.

  2. I still dont understand, so we got to beat Hades using aspect of Hades, to go fishing with him? Because after this scene I lost the battle. Idk what the next dialogue.

  3. Can we just take a moment to realize how useless gemstones objects actually are ? I mean, most of them are very expensive and you have to do several runs to unlock like one after another but everything that is not architecture-related is useless. The clock always point at the same hour. You canno't interact or stare at the statues. You can't properly stare at the painting on the walls. Cerberus refuses to play with his toys. And I don't even mention Zag's room, where everything that is not related to game mechanics (the mirror, the parchment) is useless. You can't stare at the posters. You can't play lyre because you don't know how to. You can't play board games because they're too hard and you're alone. You can't lift weights because it's too heavy. You can't even sleep neither on your bed nor on the couch because you're never tired.

    Everything that is super expensive in this game is useless and I don't even know if it's a good or a bad thing so much I find this comical, like a kind of prank from the devs.


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