Was just playing another run, without much minding what boons I picked when I noticed that I was doing absurd amounts of damage.
Relentless Volley and Concentrated Volley probably are a part of it, but what causes the rest, as it never before did this much damage?
In the end I go through all the boons and stuff.
doombybbr did some calculations and apparently the calculations are correct and go something like this:
+4 hits and +3 damage on each successive hit effect each other, so last hit gets +30 damage
just the last hit should reach 1.4X1.39X2.39X(10+30)=183 damage
The combined damage is 1.4X1.39X2.39X(110+3Xsigma11)=1411
3Xsigma10 is 3 times sum of first 11 numbers using 1/2(N(N+1))
But the damage appears to be 1460 instead, because I forgot to factor in urge to kill.
Thank you very much for the clarification 🙂
This… This is powerful
Holy moly you shreded their health
The same happens on doom attack +lightning special. My face when: going through regular Excalibur run, until I got flood shot+razor shoals+wave pounding and killing freeze+ blizzard shot dual from Poseidon and Demeter, where upon a single cast delt 1/6 of Hades and small rodent health, I guess it's a cast run now…
Damn. I've had some nutty runs but not quite this crazy.
I see…..it's the curse of longing combine with Chiron aspect doom attack + Weak special combo
I am grinding my way to farm gems and titan blood while struggling to deal decent damage, when I see this video showing that you can easily cheese bosses with this bonus damage.
…It seems someone's taken a interest to your account. More bots out of the woodwork.
Privileged Status gives you a 40% damage boost at max when it's online.
I mean you had extremely buffed special and I may be wrong but i think base damage from concetrated voley is also pumped by %increase. If not its still 84 bonus dmg from aspect of Chiron and concentrated voley alone.
Looks like bots are starting to take interest in your account.
So it just occured to me…
Is it possibe to do a run without receiving the help from the Olympians?
If yes, I'm curious to what Hades will say when you beat him with no gifts.
Ya know, in hades tv tropes, there is a section called game breaker which is about things you can do that basically seem like a hack with how much it helps to use certain upgrades.
What in thr fuck
Hades' administration's going to see this, aren't they?
Wait what I thought this was common knowledge that Chirons aspect + Privilidged Status combo is THAT stupid
I had a run like this not too long ago. I didn't have the thing that 'aims' arrows, but I had extra arrows + the thing that gives +3 damage per consecutive arrows. Not quite as broken as this, but I did go into Hades face and spammed Q, lol.
What if i say this is actually very slow compared to some other crazy stuff that is possible!!
I beat theseus mino in 14 seconds.😁😁
NO – X1.4 from privilaged status, X1.39 from chaos, X2.39 from athena 4 extra hits and +3 on each successive hit
it is in the thousands, as it should be