Hades – First Impressions!

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/snapscube


36 thoughts on “Hades – First Impressions!”

  1. Alright I did the review and here it is:
    "Hades is a good time to call you back but I have to go get a new phone and I don't know if I can do anything for you and your family"

  2. also the line delivery from everyone is just so. . . so shakespearian in nature? I love it. it gives me chills. cos its not just shakespearian but its well done shakespearian. (no not just because people sound vaguely British it's about the cadence and rhythm.)

  3. I started reading the comments before watching and thought I was losing my mind.
    Also, hades is the best and most beautiful thing i've ever had to do to help me out with my god.

  4. Been watching for 2 and a half minutes and would just like to say, as a homestuck:
    1) Penny you are absolutely right to tell people to shut up about homestuck. I could get into why I say this, but I won’t
    2) His valid troll name is karkat vantas and I dont take constructive criticism. (:B

  5. Hades is the tender age of calamity in which he has announced his own schedule for a new meme and wrote my own worst tormentor of the game's most recent album of his many years ago in the past year.


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