[HADES] First time playthrough! [PRISM Project Gen 4]

We’re going down under!* (*not to Australia)

Snake Support Link – any donations/tips are greatly appreciated!

Social Media:

Twitter – https://twitter.com/saranagare

Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/user/SaraNagare/

TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@saranagare

Marshmallow – https://marshmallow-qa.com/saranagare

Want clips of your favorite moments? Submit your timestamps below! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6Icy6-x2i7eX-ZP7CJOJ4zsvGbMjAEy7Sfliv1_lDWhrcUw/viewform

Support My Genmates:

Naki Kamizuki – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgM1sly6rnxqWe8GLbceEag
Non Anon – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx_A6fns9qKjybu-6k0ur1g

I want to create a positive stream community with you all, so please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream:

1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll, or argue with one another.
2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report any problematic messages.
3. Do not distribute other people’s private information.
4. Please avoid posting comments that are too personal, upsetting, or disparaging in any way. These types of comments may be removed upon review.
5. Please stay on topic. Do not promote yourself or have personal conversations with other members of the audience.
6. Please don’t mention other streamers in the chat unless they’re brought up during the stream. Similarly, don’t bring PRISM Project talents up in other streamers’ chats unless given permission.
7. This is a first playthrough! I would appreciate keeping spoilers, hints, and tips to a minimum. If I require directions, help or anything of the sort, I will use my gaming safe word “Gazpacho” to invite you to help me out.


Music Credits
Starting Soon BGM: DOVA Syndrome (https://dova-s.jp/)
Stream BGM: _MISno.mer_ (https://linktr.ee/MISno.mer)

PRISM Project

#PRISMProject #ENVtuber #saranagare


Ohasara! My name is Sara Nagare, the serpent storyteller of PRISM Project Generation 4, here to create hisstory! As a vtuber, I aim to delight and entertain you with zatsudans, music content and gameplay (like this!). I’m a huge fan of storytimes, tangents, and regaling my audience of the daily tales of being an anime girl (*cough* cgdct *cough*). In regards to gameplay, I love challenging games like soulsborne including Elden Ring and Dark Souls and I’ve been playing a weekly strategy game on Straturday! I like 4X and grand strategy, simulation, realtime strategy (RTS) and city builders. I also love full motion video (FMV) games! I have a lifelong love of idols (both 3D and virtual idols), which means that I’m on a journey to become one myself! I hope one day I can sing and dance in 3D on a virtual stage for you all! If you’d like to know more about me, please come and chat with me during a stream! I do a 30 minute zatsudan at the beginning of every stream, so let’s get to know each other, okay?


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