Hades Flashback: Chronos takes over the house – Hades 2

Hades flashback where Chronos takes over the House of Hades in Hades 2

All Gameplay in this video is played, recorded, and edited by me. The footage is edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes

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18 thoughts on “Hades Flashback: Chronos takes over the house – Hades 2”

  1. The conversation between Hades and Chronos is genuinely terrifying. The mighty Lord of the Underworld is reduced to a scared, quivering child in front of his abusive father, and Chronos knows EXACTLY how much control he has over his son. He doesn't need to toss around swear words or lash out at him physically; the sound of his voice is more than enough to get the message across.

  2. I hope at the end of the game when we finally free everyone we get a zagreus boss battle. Looks like the old game models are still here so maybe throw in some team fights with thanatos and meg. Or even have him using the gods favor like when he fought theseus.

  3. I'm going to go out on a limb and bet that in the full game, after a certain point, every time we defeat Chronos we can rescue one prisoner. So we have to do it at least seven times to get everybody home.

  4. His voice suddenly distorting when he says ''Oh I haven't eaten them'' still gets me. He's referencing the time when it was predicted that Chronos would be deposed by one of his children so thusly his way to stop that prophecy was to eat them all. He only missed Zeus because another titan, Rhea, managed to save him. It's implied pretty much any of the children he did eat (in this case Poseidon and Hades) were traumatized by that whole incident.

    Chronos knows exactly what hes doing with mentioning that. Not only is he poking at Hades traumatic abuse of him but I am pretty sure hes threatening Hades with the fact that he could eat them if he doesn't give into his demands. It's a calculated sadistic ploy that shows just how monstrous he is.

  5. Why did he ask Hades where the Fates are? Are they in the underworld somewhere, and what does he hope to do? They don't predict the future, they create it. It was they who decided he would fall in the Titan war.

    He can't do anything to them.


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