Hades Console Release: Beginner’s Guide: 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Gameplay
In this Hades Getting Started Guide: Things I Wish I Knew Before I Played, I’m going to talk about the most important tips and tricks that are beneficial to you right from the very beginning of your playthrough. I’ll be discussing the best Weapons you should equip, the resources to chase after, and the upgrades to unlock early on, to name a few.
Hades is an action roguelite developed and published by Supergiant Games. The game is centered on Greek Mythology and the adventures of Zagreus as he seeks to hack and slash his way through the Underworld with the help of the Olympians. Hades will be released on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and Xbox Game Pass on August 13, 2021, and is currently available on PC and the Nintendo Switch.
0:00 – 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Played Hades
0:59 – Equip the Best Weapons
1:54 – Chase After Death Defiance and Chthonic Vitality
2:55 – Identify Enemy Tells
3:34 – Constantly Move and Be Aware of Your Surroundings
4:17 – Remember Essential Reward Icons
5:49 – Prioritize the Boons of Specific Olympians
6:25 – Manage High Risks High Rewards
7:13 – Choose the Best Keepsakes
8:12 – Focus on Unlocking Work Orders
8:52 – Dying Isn’t the End
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I stopped playing Hades to watch this video. Finished 240 runs and still going strong.
Also thank you for your guides. Couldn't have finished Salt and Sanctuary without your wiki.
This game is awesome, I purchased it early access on Steam and kept on playing after it's final release. Worth the time and money. Hugs
Hades is one of the best rougelikes that I have ever played and I 100% recommend anyone to grab this on console, you will not be disappointed!
Olympian Gods Abilities Status Effect:
Artemis: Critical Damage, generally good for beginners. Go well with spear or bow. Additional, homing arrows are fire if use special or after attack.
Ares: Doom, burst damage after the attack. His rift blades are good tool for ccs and a good way to clear out boss. Work best with a gun build or spear.
Apthrodite: Weak, IMO, might be the weakest of all abilities (no pun intended). Good for the a gauntlet build or shield build since it is reduce the damage you take when melee. It’s best for as a support abilities to help stack up other gods effect.
Athena: Deflect, good at against projectile attack. Recommend for Shield Build or Sword Build. She also provide additional defensive option when out of Death Defiance or against Traps.
Demeter: Chill, literally, the best aoe effect in the game. Good for any kind of build, but only the later of the story since it ties into the lore of Zagreus.
Dionysus: Hangover, which slow the enemies through his festive fogs. Good for sword build or gun build for its aoe effect. He also provide good source for health buffs and healing.
Hermès: Speed, since this is what he is known for. Provide additional attack speed and movement speed in sticky situation. Always go for him since the later stage are generally harder and require a lot fast reaction.
Poiseidon: Knock-back, by the wave of the sea. Good as an dash option, good for sword, spear and gun builds. His abilities can also provide some good buff for resources to upgrade, and he also give you a fishing rod as a tool to farm resource.
Zeus: Lightning, hence why he is the god of lightning, IMO, most underrated in the game. His lighting can juggle through enemies when hits. Good for spear, shield, or gauntlets build. He can also deal extra damage to enemies that try to attack you, and it’s a good balance for offense and defense purposes. Plus he can help you charge your Ultimate Abilities.
Overall, those are the general description of the abilities effects of each Olympians Gods. It’s just also my opinion and words on how it works, and what I like to build with. Feel free to experiment and have fun with it.
The Deflect Dash you get from Athena is stupid good. I took that every time I saw it when I played this game.
This is good advice, except when it comes to weapons. Players should experiment and find the weapon(s) that suit their playstyle best. My favourite weapon is the Fists because I find the best way to mitigate enemy damage is to kill them as quickly as possible. The Aspect of Talos is especially good for compensating for the weapon's short range and for massively increasing your damage versus bosses.
Try focusing on 2-3 Gods per run Max since it makes your chance of getting the same gods and higher rarity go up by a big amount
Thanks for the tips. Looking forward to this hitting game pass on friday. 🙂
make dodge a shoulder button you can play so much better
Yes, I have it pre-ordered. Can't wait to pick it up, bring it home, and play!
Definitely on my list, looks great and well priced, but backlog +Elden Ring in front 😁👍
– the key of a "smooth" run is the Boon (read the Codex!)
– the safest weapon is Shield
– the first aspect u should unlock and fully upgrade is Chaos Shield (my recommendation) / oc you can choose ur fav.
– the best talents from Mirror : Shadow Presence ,Death Defiance, Greater Reflex, Thick Skin, Privileged Status, Fated Persuasion (the order is up to preference)
– give the nectar to the Gods 1st, so u can have their keepsake. it will make u have the access to build ur Boon every run.
– best to unlock Megaera Companion 1st for the damage.
– best way to get Titan Blood is by fulfilling the Prophecy.
and last, pet Cerberus every single time before /after you make an escape attempt.
if anyone interested there's more that i can share
I didn’t like some of the changes in the final release, I played on early access so fucking much it wasn’t funny. Don’t get me wrong though I still like the game a lot. Just wish they had left some shit alone.
I love the soulsborne series! So difficulty isn’t an issue,but not a fan of roguelike games.. I just hear praise for this game. Is it worth it even with the roguelike element ?
Another piece of advice: check the codex! At one point you'll unlock the ability to see the list of available boons from each god and, most importantly, the requirements for these boons (the best boons all have pre-requisites). When one of the Gods is offering three choices, press the codex button and check what each choice will unlock for you, and work towards getting legendary or duo boons.
Choosing and picking your boons to create an overall effective build will be essential once you get further into the underworld. Don't under-estimate the Gods' keepsakes, they will help you create the build you want. Choose Gods that work well with your weapon's unique attacks, and that work well when combined.
For instance, Zeus' boons give additional damage, so you'll want to favor him if you have a quick-hitting attack like the gun's main attack (gunfire) or the bow's special attack (volley). Whereas a boon that gives a status damage that doesn't stack, like Ares, is a much better choice for slow attack like the gun's secondary attack (bomb) or the bow's main attack. And if your build is based on Zeus and Ares boons, you have a chance to get their duo boon, which boosts vengeance attacks (counter-attacks). So you'll want to stack up on vengeance boons, from any gods, since if you get the Zeus/Ares duo, all these vengeance boons will be boosted.
Think about your boon choices carefully. Plan your build. Use keepsakes, and later on when you unlock them, use re-rolls, to get the boons you need. Have a good idea of where you want your build to go from the start of your run, and make choices to get yourself there. RNG might get in your way once in a while, but you'd be surprised how often you end up with what you planned.
Yeah I finally need to play it more and finally kill last Boss 😛 So ofc I play it on PC!
I love Hades. I already have it on PC and Switch. I’m going to be picking it up on PS5 next.
I can't stop playing this game! Supergiant is an incredibly talented developer
I’ve been waiting to play this since early access but I only have an Xbox, I am ecstatic and I cannot wait to play it this Friday 🙂
Holy Shit is this announcer on this video boring or what? Damn, put me to sleep why dont you!!! LMFAO!!
Ive heard so much good word of mouth for Hades that im picking it up at launch for my PS5. Ive been waiting for it to come out on Playstation for quite a while so im looking forward to this one, quite a bit.
Beat game have ridiculous amount of hours in it still immediately clicked cannot wait for ps5 version.